December 2019

2020 and Beyond

HR leaders predict how cultural, social, and technological shifts will impact the way people work in the coming year.

By Marta Chmielowicz

Not too long ago, HR professionals were relegated to the realm of “personnel management” -paper-pushers responsible for administrative tasks and little else. But as organizations have grown and globalized in increasingly challenging environments, so has the role of human resources. Today’s HR departments are deeply rooted in organizational planning and business strategy, more essential to the success of a company than ever before.


2019 Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Ratings: Total Workforce Solutions

View the top-rated providers of total workforce solutions based on our RPO and MSP customer satisfaction surveys.

By The Editors

Total workforce solutions (TWS) are becoming increasingly common in today’s complex labor market, but good providers are still hard to find. See our list of the top TWS providers in the marketplace today and position yourself for success in the new year.

A Sneak Peek

Find out what’s trending in six sectors of the HR services market based on annual research.

By Gary Bragar

The HR outsourcing market is changing and the top trend that has emerged this year across all HR service lines is a focus on improving the user experience for both job candidates and current employees. There is a renewed commitment to making things as easy as possible through the use of technology, whether it be by adopting one integrated system for all HR needs, improving ease of system use, or leveraging bots to provide quick answers to inquiries, improving customer service.

HR Services

Revolutionizing HR: 2019 HRO Today Superstars

We recognize industry leaders for their forward-thinking strategies that prepare their organizations for the future of work.

By The Editors

2019 saw what experts would deem a candidate-driven labor market. But keeping employees invested is no longer as easy as it once was; today’s talent expects employers to deliver an exemplary experience, new technologies, enriching learning programs, career growth, robust benefits plans, job flexibility, relocation opportunities -and the list goes on. In this demanding environment, we think it’s important to recognize leaders that have gone above and beyond in the realm of HR.

2019 HR Superstars

CEO’s Letter: We Should Be Better (If CEOs Would Only Join Us)

New HRO Today research reveals interesting findings on the gender pay gap for CHROs.

By Elliot H. Clark

I hate to have to write this column. It is a confirmation that we at HRO Today can be very smart and very dumb -or perhaps just naïve. But, in either case, this is not a pleasant story to tell. A few months ago, we undertook a comprehensive report on CHRO compensation. We looked at correlations in the data on overall revenue, market capitalization, and a host of earnings-related metrics (earnings, EBITDA, and earnings per share). Armed with our charts, our graphs, and the purity of our research vision, we dove deeply into the spreadsheets in search of what makes CHRO comp tick.

HRO Today

The Skills to Reskill

In a tight labor market, organizations are looking from within to fill talent shortages.

By Marta Chmielowicz

Today’s job market is plagued with skills shortages. According to SHRM’s The Global Skills Shortage study, 83 percent of HR professionals have had trouble recruiting suitable candidates in the past 12 months, and 75 percent of these struggling leaders attribute their difficulties to a lack of available skills. The country is also facing full employment: In December 2018, there were 7 million open jobs in the U.S. but only 6.3 million unemployed people looking for work.


Transparent TA

How to create a candidate experience that mirrors company values.

By Lauren Winklepleck

In today’s candidate-driven job market, more and more employers are recognizing the importance of creating a candidate experience that mirrors their company’s values. According to LinkedIn’s 2018 Workplace Culture Trends study, communicating mission and brand during the recruitment process can give employers a significant competitive advantage: 71 percent of job seekers would be willing to take a pay cut to work for a company that shares their values. In contrast, employers with a weak brand often fail to attract the right mix of talent, significantly impacting their ability to grow.


Less Talk, More Walk

Three important steps in implementing an effective diversity and inclusion training program that aligns with company needs.

By Aaron Lincove

In recent years, diversity and inclusion (D&I) have become top priorities for all businesses -and for good reason. Research by McKinsey & Co. reports that ethnically diverse companies outperform industry norms by 35 percent, and Bersin by Deloitte indicates that inclusive organizations are 1.7 times more likely to be innovator leaders in their respective markets. Given these benefits, it is no surprise that organizations of all sizes are realizing the value of D&I when it comes to employee engagement, financial performance, and brand recognition.


Outperforming Performance Management

Organizations with a continuous feedback process are experiencing five major benefits.

By Diane Strohfus

A company’s performance management process helps address several business priorities, including nurturing an aligned workforce, attracting and retaining top talent, and helping managers better guide their employees. Betterworks’ State of Continuous Performance Management Survey revealed that companies with continuous performance management processes were significantly more effective at many important measures.


Benefits Empowerment

Strategies that encourage proactive employee participation during open enrollment.

By Rob Grubka

During open enrollment season, employees have to choose from an average of 15 benefits, at least three of which are healthcare insurance. And according to PlanSource, that number is even higher at larger organizations. With competing demands on employees’ time, many workers opt to simply stick with the same benefits year after year or choose only their basic medical, dental, and vision insurances, skipping over valuable supplemental benefits that can have a true impact on their financial wellness.
