Social networks’ ability to tap into previously inaccessible pools of talent is changing the way the world does business finds a recent study by Manpower.
“Social networks are really a misnomer because they are turning into commercial entities,” said Jeff Joerres, Manpower Inc. Chairman and CEO. “Groups of individuals who, in the past, could not participate in the traditional workforce for religious or cultural reasons, or because of disabilities can now work virtually through social networks. These untapped but highly-skilled workers are critical in the face of an aging global workforce and worsening talent mismatch."
Virtual talent pool websites effectively enable companies to access a diverse on-demand workforce. Individuals can offer their skills and services to prospective employers. “Commercial networks” offer a virtual location, allowing the job to be performed anywhere with an Internet connection.
Joerres provided insights into the growing power and potential of social networks at last month’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting during a panel discussion titled “Social Networks vs. the CEO – is the CEO prepared?” The nature of social networks means companies now have access to a wealth of innovative ideas in a way that was never possible in the past. Through sites such as Facebook, employees can connect to their CEO, whose access to their unfiltered ideas can inform their view of the business in exciting new ways. 

Social networks increase employee engagement and enhance the perception that the company and employees are leveraging these tools constructively in pursuit of common business goals.
Manpower: The Maturation of Social Networks
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