We select the most influential contributors to the HRO industry
The most dynamic aspect of covering a growing industry—and HRO as a global practice continues to expand in spite of the difficult economic times—is that as more participants join the marketplace, the more contributors there are to help shape its evolution. We’re especially mindful of this fact this time of the year, when we compile our annual list of HRO Superstars to watch for in the new year.
These industry giants have been instrumental in helping to make outsourcing a more efficient and useful tool for HR organizations around the world. Whether they are implementing HRO in a new fashion, applying it in an innovative approach, delivering excellent service, or helping to dispel myths and hype around outsourcing, our 2009 list of Superstars have distinguished themselves through their contributions and practices.
Regular readers of HRO Today will certainly recognize many of the names mentioned here; after all, they’ve provided expert voice to our pages as the industry’s evangelists. Moreover, many of the professionals listed here are often seen at trade events, helping to spread the gospel. It’s through this kind of enthusiastic proselytizing that is helping to accelerate the market’s maturity.
But with so many contributors, how do we choose the 2009 Superstars? The criteria are different for each of the three categories:
To be a Buyer Superstar, he or she must demonstrate a vision to build the most effective HR services. HRO used to be a gamble, and many past pioneering organizations helped to bring outsourcing into the mainstream. Some of the HR leaders at those companies today continue to manage their significant HRO engagements, overseeing not only consistent delivery of services but also some innovations that providers offer more recently. Their proven leadership competencies, courage to undertake HR transformation, and ability to learn new skills to manage an external provider are clear reason for being named Superstars.
More recent practitioners have also demonstrated similar leadership and courage. They’ve also shown a willingness to learn from the trailblazers, carefully sculpting their HRO deals that best serve their needs. That means they’re more diligent about deal scope, are more definitive around service level agreements and benchmarking, and have spent more time and energy developing their governance model. In their own way, they are pioneers, helping to make HRO more sophisticated along the way.
Provider Superstars get the nod for the innovations they bring to the marketplace. Sometimes they’re prodded by clients; other times, they’re thinking beyond the paradigm to offer solutions that are more cost-effective, offer up a higher quality of service, and help get their clients a seat at the table. Often, they serve as consultants and help buyers tweak policy that helps not only the business, but also themselves. After all, HRO is not a zero-sum-gain sport; when one partner benefits, often times the other does as well. That’s why the providers listed here are being recognized for their ability to forge win-win relationships.
Without Advisor Superstars, the industry would develop at a snail’s pace. They earn their pay by identifying the most appropriate outsourced solution and vendors for each clients, help remediate problems that occur, and develop standards and guidelines that make implementation less painful. Certainly these thought leaders play a pivotal part in greasing the wheels to keep momentum on HRO’s side.
We want to congratulate all of the Superstars this year and acknowledge their role in bettering the industry. We also want to thank all the participants who took part in this year’s nomination process, in which we received dozens of nominees. As always, we encourage you to give us your thoughts to help us build a better list for 2010.
Click Here for the Superstar Buyers