EL SEGUNDO, Calif., May 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Computer Sciences Corporation
Underthe terms of the agreement, CSC will provide administrative, financial,human resources and procurement support services to approximately20,000 NASA employees, applicants, contractors and university partners.
“TheNSSC represents a significant alliance between members of the civilservice, the states of Mississippi and Louisiana, CSC and our teammembers on this contract,” said Thomas P. Anderson, president of CSCsFederal Sector Information Technology and Science Solutions division.”CSCs experience with implementing and using the shared services modelwill help us deliver superior results to NASA.”
The state ofMississippi is contributing $23.7 million for the construction of thepermanent NSSC facility at Stennis Space Center. Construction isscheduled to begin in June 2005 and will be completed in October 2006.The state of Louisiana is contributing $1 million in NSSC job trainingfunds for Louisiana residents.
Throughout the duration of thecontract, CSC estimates that approximately 350 specialists withexpertise in SAP finance, federal human resources, grant administrationand information technology (IT) will perform alongside approximately150 NASA employees. CSCs Information Technology and Science Solutionsdivision will manage the work at the Stennis Space Center.
Teamingwith CSC is Lockheed Martin Information Technology of Seabrook, Md., inaddition to ten small or small disadvantaged firms, currentlyperforming the same administrative functions at other existinglocations. Lockheed Martin will provide finance support and somemanagement services, as well as the interim facility at Stennis SpaceCenter.
About CSC
Founded in 1959, Computer SciencesCorporation is a leading global IT services company. CSCs mission isto provide customers in industry and government with solutions craftedto meet their specific challenges and enable them to profit from theadvanced use of technology.
With approximately 79,000 employees,CSC provides innovative solutions for customers around the world byapplying leading technologies and CSCs own advanced capabilities.These include systems design and integration; IT and business processoutsourcing; applications software development; Web and applicationhosting; and management consulting. Headquartered in El Segundo,Calif., CSC reported revenue of $13.9 billion from continuingoperations for the 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2004. For more information,visit the companys Web site at http://www.csc.com/.