
Thought Leaders Unite

By D. Zachary Misko

Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas, turn ideas into reality, and show how to replicate their success. We certainly have a great group of thought leaders and innovators involved in our association and our HRO Today Forum events, as demonstrated by the outstanding group of senior HR executives, thought leaders, and industry experts who attend and speak at our events, in our magazine, and in our association.

The HRO Today Services and Technology Association is a global association of the top HR experts working in roles as practitioners, providers, and analysts. Whilst the Forum is an excellent opportunity for our members and each of the Forum delegates to participate in thought leadership through great conversations and best practice sharing, the association allows you to continue these actions daily. If you are not already a member of the HRO Today Association, I urge you to join and keep the conversation, connections, and learning active every month.

Association benefits include monthly Thought Leadership Councils (TLCs) on topics about talent acquisition and management, employee services and benefits, and outsourcing. The monthly committee members can connect HR leaders across the globe to discuss key practices and work to set standards and best practices for the industry. Our member network enables the development of valuable industry relationships and allows you to enhance and grow your network. In addition, our monthly newsletter, podcasts, demos, and more provide access and information that you need to be successful in your role. Visit www.hrotoday.com/association to learn more about all that membership has to offer.

By engaging in our association, you become part of the conversation. You allow other members the opportunity to get to know you and share your stories. Leaders are everywhere. Expose your thought leaders, and you begin the process of becoming a social business -real people with real faces talking to real industry experts, customers, and buyers. Our members are always looking for new ideas and solutions to solve problems. Are you willing to give it to them? And tell me, what do you think? What does thought leadership mean to you?

Tags: Global Spring 2018, HRO Today Association, June 2018, Magazine Article

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