FINEOS is a leader in HR innovation. Here’s why.
By Zee Johnson
With a changing landscape, FINEOS leaders recognized the immediate importance of engaging employees. From there, the organisation set out to review exisiting systems to see how effective their recognition tactics were. They saw through metrics, feedback, and survey results that the programme in use was underutilised and not impactful to employees or the business.
From there, leaders designed a programme that would combine industry best practices in recognition and directly link it to business requirements. “Celebrating Success,” a programme that is easily accessible to all employees, was born.
The results were astounding. It recognized and rewarded employees both individually and as a team, empowered employees to connect the awardee’s action to company values and leadership principles, introduced a non-monetary “high five” award as an opportunity to give instant kudos, , publicly recognising employees for their efforts and how they embodied our FINEOS values or the leadership principals, and ultimately created a connection between the great work that employees do and the role they play in the FINEOS strategy.
FINEOS was awarded the 2022 HRO Today Association APAC Award for Innovation in HR.