Perspectives on Talent Acquisition and the Changing Global Workforce
Quickly shifting demographics – aging populations, economic insecurity and population movement, among others – are making talent acquisition an increasingly difficult and troubling endeavor for practitioners responsible for engaging new talent. Because we believe accurate, up-to-date information is the most effective tool you can use to tackle these challenges, we launched the Perspectives on Talent Acquisition and the Changing Global Workforce research program.
This research program employs both quantitative and qualitative measures to address key questions in talent acquisition, including:
- Where are the current and future shortages most acute (by job type and geographic location)?
- What are the key impacts of talent scarcity on organizational effectiveness?
- What are the most effective ways to achieve global talent acquisition goals?
- Which concrete actions really work (and are worth investing time or money in), and which don’t?
Click here to participate in the survey.
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