WAYNE, Pa. (May 16, 2005) — Kenexa, a provider of talentacquisition and retention solutions, today announced that the NationalFootball League (NFL) has implemented Kenexa Recruiter, Kenexa’sWeb-based enterprise applicant tracking solution. Kenexa Recruiter willstreamline recruiting for the NFL’s New York City headquarters as wellas NFL Films in Mt. Laurel, N.J., and the NFL Network in Los Angeles.
Jessica Kushner, Human Resources Generalist at the National FootballLeague said, “Prior to implementing Kenexa Recruiter, we reviewedseveral vendors’ solutions to determine the one best equipped to helpus eliminate manual processes and streamline our recruiting efforts.Kenexa Recruiter came out on top for its ease-of-use, deepfunctionality and Kenexa’s commitment to customer service.”
Kushner added, “Kenexa provides the National Football League with anew, easily accessible resource to efficiently reach a broader, morediverse audience of applicants through NFL.com. It will help us tobetter identify those applicants who meet our basic job requirements,and give those applicants an opportunity to learn more about openpositions at the League Office, NFL Films and NFL Network.”
Kenexa’s CEO Rudy Karsan said, “Kenexa Recruiter will equip the NFLwith an easy online application process and a central repository ofcandidates to select from for its hiring needs, maximizing the NFL’saccess to more qualified candidates while reducing their overallrecruiting costs.”
About Kenexa Recruiter
Implemented in more than160 organizations, Kenexa Recruiter’s Web-based solution locates themost talented candidates with one-click data access. With KenexaRecruiter, companies turn their corporate Web site into an interactivecareer center, while reducing cost and time per hire. Kenexa Recruiteris available in either a hosted ASP-delivery or can be deployedin-house behind a firewall.
About Kenexa
Kenexa Corporation (www.kenexa.com)provides software, services and proprietary content that enableorganizations to more effectively recruit and retain employees. Kenexasolutions include applicant tracking, employment process outsourcing,phone screening, skills and behavioral assessments, structuredinterviews, performance management, multi-rater feedback surveys,employee engagement surveys and HR Analytics. Kenexa is headquarteredin Wayne, Pa. More information about Kenexa and its global locationscan be accessed at www.kenexa.com.