
HRO Today Services and Technology Association Update: The (Near) Future of Talent Acquisition

This month at our annual HRO Today Forum North America we introduced our Talent Acquisition Leader Executive Network Team (TALENT). This is HRO Today‘s way of helping companies and talent acquisition leaders become more successful in a collaborative executive network. This group will be dedicated to advancing the profession and industry with essential, knowledge-based, data-driven thought leadership, collaboration, and transformation. This is your opportunity, as a talent acquisition executive, to engage with other leaders, share past successes and failures, and learn about standards and practices to reduce waste and improve customer service, candidate experience, and employer brand. Ultimately, members of this network will gain a competitive edge in the world of recruitment. Activities already planned for this team include community access, quarterly calls, an annual retreat, and the chance to develop standards and practices for the industry. We will also be compiling and publishing a talent acqusition “playbook” as a testament to what is working in talent acquisition, industry trends, metrics, forecasts, and predictions.

For more information on joining this group, please contact me at Zachary.Misko@SharedXpertise.com. In the words of the Terminator’s John Conner, “There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.” Regardless, buckle up, because it’s going to be an exciting ride.

The HRO Today Services & Technology Association is also responding to the needs of members and enabling technology to help us better manage social media, online networking, on-demand learning and virtual opportunities to engage. The association brings its members great content each month via our Thought Leadership Councils’ (TLCs) webinars, which explore and discuss topics within talent acquisition, talent management, employee relations and services, and outsourcing. The monthly newsletter and our website feature breaking news, trends, and best practices from our global HR members. Our monthly committee empowers members to drive how the association responds to industry needs, sets standards and practices, and enhances our user experience. In June, we will be launching TLC Talks: 10-minute podcasts for quick learning that will showcase research and best and next practices in the world of HR services, technology, and practices.

If you are not already a member of the HRO Today Association, I urge you to do so and keep the conversation and learning active every month. See more at www.hrotoday.com/association

D. Zachary Misko
Global Vice President and Executive Director
Tags: May 2017

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