
HRO STA Update: Your Window Seat is Ready

I write this month’s article on a plane heading to London for the HRO Today Services and Technology Association EMEA board meeting. As usual, I people watch when I travel; I’m always curious to see how people interact, respond to situations, and behave. Maybe it’s the HR person in me, or maybe I’m just curious. It’s interesting to watch the “middle-seat” people approach their aisle and anxiously look to see who they are stuck with on either side as they maneuver to settle in for the long trip.

At our annual HRO Today Forum North America, we introduced our Talent Acquisition Leader Executive Network Team (TALENT). This is HRO Today‘s effort to help companies and talent acquisition leaders be more successful and work in a collaborative executive network. This group will be dedicated to advancing the profession and industry with essential knowledge-based and data-driven thought leadership, collaboration, and transformation. This is your opportunity, as a talent acquisition executive, to engage with other leaders, share past successes and failures, and learn about standards and practices to reduce waste, improve customer service, candidate experience, and employer brand.

It was interesting to watch the TA leaders at the kickoff, much like the middle-seat people in airplanes, look around and size up the other attendees and what this network might look like. It was nice to see the energy in the room build as people began networking and realizing that this was a group of really talented individuals from a variety of industries, company sizes with many similar concerns, goals, successes, and needs. Ultimately, members of this network will gain a competitive edge in the world of recruitment. Activities already planned for this team include community access, quarterly calls, an annual retreat, and opportunities to develop standards and practices for the industry. We will also be compiling and publishing a talent acquisition “playbook” as a testament to talent acquisition industry trends, metrics, forecasts, predictions, and what is working in talent acquisition.

For more information on joining this group, please contact me at Zachary.Misko@SharedXpertise.com. There will be no “middle seats” in this group; everyone has a window seat into a collaborative and engaging mission and network!

The HRO Today Services & Technology Association has had a successful fi rst quarter. We have launched our annual talent acquisition metrics survey (http://hrotodaykpi.questionpro.com/), relaunched pulse discussions on industry topics and best practices -see May’s “Pulse on Employee Engagement” on the association website -and refreshed our monthly member newsletter to ensure it provides the most important information at a glance. Our monthly TCLs (professional learning webinars) also continue to attract interest, and we are excited to launch our TLC Talks later this month. These are eight- to 10-minute webcasts, available on demand for quick and easy access to best and next practices, case studies, and research.

If you are not already a member of the HRO Today Association, I urge you to become one and to keep the conversation and learning active every month.

D. Zachary Misko
Global VP – Executive Director
SharedXpertise, HRO Today

Tags: June 2017

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