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Editor’s Note: Shifts in the World of Work

By Debbie Bolla

As offices reopened in early June in some parts of the country, HRO Today research found that 49 percent of employees were anxious over the change. But organizations took note, making several efforts to ease the transition, including:

• social distancing in the work environment (90 percent);

• distribution of hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes (88 percent);

• limiting the size of in-person meetings (75 percent);

• requiring face coverings in certain circumstances (65 percent);

• limiting business travel (65 percent); and

• staggering days in the office, rotating employees (63 percent).

The study also found that nearly a third (28 percent) of organizations plan on requiring on-the-job medical screenings. For those taking that approach, Navigating the Legal Landscape provides further advice on how to test employees while remaining compliant.

It is likely the case that many organizations are now looking at how the global pandemic has shifted the world of work in a more permanent way, and how to respond accordingly. Recent Hackett Group research shows several anticipated changes to HR strategy and the operating model, including:

• a shift to remote working (72 percent);

• a need to train leaders to manage virtually (68 percent);

• reduced business travel and more virtual meetings (67 percent); and

• developing new talent and increasing cross-training (52 percent).

As 77 percent of companies have increased their commitment to digital transformation due to the crisis, the Hackett Group recommends three strategies to consider as organizations move forward.

1. Adapt approaches to the new business environment. Now is the time to look at structural and business changes caused by the pandemic and redesign under the new context, including supply and demand conditions for critical talent resources.

2. Analyze new talent needs and rethink strategies. It is critical for HR and talent acquisition teams to identify the roles and the skills necessary to execute new business approaches. Strategic workforce planning, talent acquisition, and learning and performance management processes are all considerations for future success in a highly digital work environment.

3. Identify technology needs and incorporate new digital programs. The pandemic highlighted the power of technology to connect and execute, and organizations should maintain momentum by considering investments in business-enabling growth solutions that show ROI and drive the bottom line.

As business and economic environments remain uncertain, it’s critical for organizations to continue to prepare and pivot in order to achieve success during difficult times. And we will be here to help!

Tags: July August 2020

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