By Debbie Bolla
As the workforce looks to HR and leadership during this very uncertain period of time caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19 ), we at HRO Today are here to provide you with the resources needed to successfully navigate the ever-changing environment.
In our cover story, COVID-19: HR Responds, I spoke with six HR leaders on how they are managing through this global crisis. From shifting travel policies to enlisting remote work, HR is doing what needs to be done in order to keep employees safe, healthy, and productive. We also have a knowledge portal that houses the latest research, advice, and best practices around COVID-19 and is updated daily.
Based on research from various fields, including workplace wellness and organizational leadership, Mercer suggests these three steps to help employees during a global health crisis.
1. Talk about it. One survey reveals that 66 percent of Americans think the coronavirus is a real threat to public health. Concerns stem from business travel, overall uncertainty, the way organizations will respond, and being connected to someone with the virus. HR needs to provide a platform for employees to express their views. Try virtual meetings, town halls, or online chats. Mercer reports that studies show that social support increases resilience and the ability to cope.
2. Educate employees about preventative measures. One of the best ways to flatten the curve is understanding how COVID-19 spreads and recognizing the first symptoms. Look to the CDC’s website for guidelines and share among the workforce.
3. Provide more flexibility. To keep employees healthy and prevent the spread of the disease, remote work is a way to keep employees engaged and safe. Ensure employees have the necessary means and the right technology to get their jobs done remotely. Mercer | Sirota has found that employees with flexible work arrangements are significantly more motivated and committed than their office-bound peers.
Stay safe… and informed!