By Michael Switow
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Chinese New Year!
To write that the world is in a state of flux and transformation sounds cliché, but look around you. A Chinese artificial intelligence robot called XiaoIce has enrolled in university and graduated with a master’s of fine arts. The World Economic Forum predicts that climate change could cut global GDP in half, a conclusion that may sound extreme but wouldn’t surprise the victims of the recent flooding in Jakarta or the Christmas typhoon in the Philippines.
As we enter this third decade of the new millennium, what do HR practitioners need to do be successful? How will HR be different in 2030? What are the key HR trends in Asia-Pacific for the next 10 years?
In this month’s edition, six experts with diverse perspectives from Australia, China, India, and Singapore answer these questions as they share insights and predictions for the (Roaring?) Twenties.
“By 2030, HR will be leaner, more data-driven, and no longer the poor cousin to sales, operations, and IT,” predicts Andrew Calvert, senior vice president of Lee Hecht Harrison. “The major trend developing over the next 10 years that HR practitioners must address is not the competition to acquire talent -nor the competition to keep people -but rather how to manage them,” counsels Edith Cowan University‘s Dr. Yvonne McNulty.
But you won’t need to wait a decade to see whether every prediction in this issue comes to light. We asked several experts to take a 12-month perspective as we examine the impact of Hong Kong’s protests on salaries and hiring. We also ask, “What has become of the expat posting?” in a look at how global mobility is evolving.
We’re excited to present this year’s HRO Today APAC Superstars, a unique group of practitioners, providers, consultants, and thought leaders who are shaping the HR industry of today and tomorrow.
Do you agree with the predictions in the pages that follow? Let me know! In the meantime, I wish you all a prosperous year of the rat!