IT is Booming
How Vietnam is Handling its Talent Shortage
Meeting in the Middle
Japan Needs Hands
2021 Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Ratings: RPO in EMEA and APAC
2022 Predictions
APAC Expected to Lead in Salary Increases in 2022
Bring on the Talent!
HRO Today APAC July/August 2021 Newsletter
新冠疫情暴发凸显了满足企业劳动力总体需求的、以人为本的EVP 规划的重要性。
撰稿人:Simon Kent
人才招聘和留住优秀人才二者从来都不能混为一谈。薪水对应聘者来说可能很重要,但健康和福利支持、通过就业获得的会员和折扣资格、工作场所的社会生活以及企业本身的品牌形象也很重要。 根据高德纳人力资源研究公司(Gartner HR Research)的研究,公司需要加深对雇佣关系的理解。Gartner的 “2021年基准调查” 将这些因素整合到公司的员工价值主张 (EVP)中,发现只有31%的人力资源领导者认为他们现在的员工实际上对他们从工作中获得的东西感到满意。
撰稿人:Marta Chmielowicz
新冠疫情的暴发和过去一年的技术进步带来了对数字教育和技能培训 的需求,以适应当今的数字经济时代。企业和员工都必须更加注重认识和提高这些技能,以便在动态和快速发展的商业环境中保持竞争力。
撰稿人:Marta Chmielowicz
撰稿人:Marta Chmielowicz
印度经济正处于经历转型的时刻,因为它面临着技术增长、政府投资、全球化和劳动力人口结构的变革。印度是世界上青年人口最多的国家,25岁以下人口超过6亿,也是世界上增长最快的经济体之一,其目标是到2025年成为5万亿美元的经济体 – -高于2019年的2.7万亿美元。
撰稿人:Marta Chmielowicz
亚洲经济正在增长,但其增长速度在每个地区并不是一致的。Hays Singapore的揭开亚洲未来劳动力的奥秘 研究显示,虽然对技术、健康和灵活性的更多关注开启了经济新纪元,但各个地区的经济复苏情况都有明显的差异。
从建立人才招聘实践的基础,到推出新的绩效管理系统,马诺伊·库马尔·乔杜里(Manoj Kumar Chaudhary)改变了雪绒花金融服务公司(Edelweiss Financial Services)的人力资源。
撰稿人:Marta Chmielowicz
马诺杰·库马尔·乔杜里(Manoj Kumar Chaudhary)仅用了六年时间,就从一名初入职场的新人晋升为雪绒花金融服务公司(Edelweiss Financial Services)的公共市场人力资源主管。他见证了该组织的巨大成长,组织的管理资产(AUM)从₹100crore增长到约₹40000 CRE。
Rethinking EVP
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the importance of a human-centric EVP that supports the overarching needs of the workforce.
By Simon Kent
Recruiting and retaining great talent has never been about one thing. Salary can be important for candidates, but so too can health and well-being support, discounts, and memberships afforded through employment, the social life around work, and the brand image of the business itself. According to Gartner HR research, companies increasingly need to take a holistic approach to what it means to be employed. Bundling these elements under the company’s employee value proposition (EVP), Gartner’s 2021 Benchmarking Survey found only 31% of HR leaders believe their current employees are actually satisfied with what they’re getting from work.
Putting Skills First
Microsoft and LinkedIn are working to help employees and organisations acquire digital skills.
By Marta Chmielowicz
The COVID-19 pandemic and technological advancements of the past year have ushered in a need for education and skills to function in today’s digital economy. Employers and employees alike must increasingly identify and develop these skills in order to remain competitive in a dynamic and fast-moving business climate.
Building Mental Resilience
Singapore’s WSH Council is leading a campaign to tackle employees’ mental health.
By Marta Chmielowicz
Working from home throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened employees’ mental stress, particularly among parents who had to juggle full-time work with childcare. In response, Singapore’s Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council recently launched its annual campaign to promote health and safety in the workplace.
Changing Job Landscape
To meet its ambitious economic growth goals, India will need to embrace its evolving workplace demographics.
By Marta Chmielowicz
India’s economy is experiencing a moment of transformation as it faces technological growth, government investment, globalisation, and demographic changes in its workforce. Home to the world’s largest population of youth, with over 600 million people under 25 years old, the country is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and is aiming to become a $5 trillion economy by 2025 -up from $2.7 trillion in 2019.