The song, Welcome to the Jungle by Guns ‘N Roses, opens with big energy, but also a sense of confusion and messiness. This makes it the perfect anthem for the HR tech market today. A plethora of new, best-of-breed point solutions arrives almost daily. [read more]
HR Technology
CEO’s Letter: HR Technology Buying (or Welcome to the Jungle)
CEO’s Letter: Shopping in the HR Supermarket
Because of our HRO Today Baker’s Dozen customer satisfaction survey franchise, many companies will seek us out for advice on further interpretation of the data or for help leveraging it in a procurement process. [read more]
The Innovation Gap
Innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics, along with developments in cloud, social, and mobile technologies, are making HR systems more intelligent and more engaging. [read more]
No Slowing Down
Growth is being driven across all HR service and technology markets as more organizations look to leverage HR partnerships and HR platforms with the goal of enabling digital transformation and a high-performance operating model. [read more]
A Sneak Peek
The HR outsourcing market is changing and the top trend that has emerged this year across all HR service lines is a focus on improving the user experience for both job candidates and current employees. There is a renewed commitment to making things as easy as possible through the use of technology, whether it be by adopting one integrated system for all HR needs, improving ease of system use, or leveraging bots to provide quick answers to inquiries, improving customer service. [read more]
RPO on Top
The world of work is changing, and so is the world of recruitment. The accelerating pace of technological advancement and the global shortage of talent are probably the two most significant factors driving that change. So too are preferences for a more consumerized and personalized experience and having a social media presence. [read more]
Next-level RPO
The days of using an RPO provider to simply deal with the grunt work of recruiting people into an organization are over. Today’s competitive market -both in terms of the employment market where talent is scarcer than ever and the RPO market itself -means providers must demonstrate that they can bring extra value to the organizations with which they are working. [read more]
CEO’s Letter: To Outsource or Not to Outsource -That is Not the Question
When Hamlet contemplates “To be or not to be,” he is actually thinking about suicide, so forgive the title of this column. I am not comparing outsourcing -or not outsourcing -to self-destruction. In fact, I don’t even think outsourcing is a “strategy.” It is a tactical approach to achieve a given set of HR-related tasks or outcomes. That is it. It is not a gut-wrenching test of your philosophical gestalt. [read more]
Future-Proof Payroll
Payroll transformation has become a priority for many organizations, finds NelsonHall’s annual Next Generation Payroll Services study. Historically, payroll has long been treated as a simple cost center, and frankly, many payroll departments have gotten by with disparate and outdated -albeit reliable -platforms that lack global reporting capabilities and require burdensome manual processes. [read more]
Looking to Amp Up Learning?
Effective training improves retention, enhances organizational culture and engagement, and makes employees feel valued, supported, and empowered. In fact, according to LinkedIn’s 2018 Workforce Learning Report, 93 percent of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their careers. [read more]