As organizations look to hire and retain workers post-pandemic, three considerations must be top of mind.
By Marta Chmielowicz
The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on company culture, values, and flexibility, forcing employers to innovate in order to attract and retain top talent. But while some progress has been made, Achievers’ 2021 Engagement and Retention Report indicates that as many as 52% of surveyed employees intend to look for a new job this year, up from 35% in 2020. What accounts for this dramatic increase?
“Many people have hesitated to seek out a new role during this first year of the pandemic, and now people who’ve been wanting to move on finally feel like it’s a safe time to do that,” says Dr. Natalie Baumgartner, chief workforce scientist at Achievers. “But we’ve also seen a shift in expectations and individuals’ willingness to speak up about the things that are important to them. If we add the people who are intending to job hunt on top of those who are unsure, we have 69% of employees with one foot out the door uncommitted to their current role.”
According to Dr. Baumgartner, individuals are demanding more from their employers following the turmoil of the pandemic. While one in three employees (35%) are likely to seek opportunities with better compensation and benefits, one in four (25%) now cite a desire for better work-life balance as their top consideration. Additionally, the top reasons for staying in their current role are work-life balance (23%) and recognition (21%).
In particular, balance and flexibility have emerged as critical contributing factors to employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention over the course of the pandemic. “Work-life balance is far more highlighted during the pandemic than it has ever been, and we see a lot of that due to the incredible challenge organizations have had with supporting their employees and maintaining balance during this period of time,” says Dr. Baumgartner.
For employers looking to empower employees and prevent turnover as they emerge from the pandemic, competitive salaries, work-life balance, and recognition should be top of mind.