Employee EngagementLearning & Development

Learning about Learning – 7/2

New white paper explores the need for change in L&D.
Learning programs and services firm Hemsley Fraser’s new whitepaper Learning is Changing explores the evolution of organizational learning. The workforce learning landscape has become more immediate, experiential, and social it reports.
According to the paper, the organizations that best understand the value of learning and development (L&D) are able to adapt their systems to ease access and optimize delivery will have a leg up in today’s business environment. These benefits will be seen in areas such as improved employee engagement, superior talent management and retention, and reductions in recruiting costs.
L&D teams must adapt their programs to allow for the greater freedom of access that employees want in regards to learning. L&D must become more flexible and adapt to the on demand model that many learners have begun to seek.
The paper urges L&D teams to be the engine that drives learning within an organization and makes it a major priority. Learning can be a great enabler for organizational change and improvement. L&D must emphasize the value of learning and help to elevate its importance within the organization.
IT departments will also play a key role in this transformation. Organizations should explore new methods of delivering learning based on the latest technology. Procurement teams will also be essential in the new learning models, as they must partner with L&D to optimize purchasing from learning providers to maximize value and impact.
The full white paper is available on Hemsley Fraser’s website: www.hemsleyfraser.co.uk.

Tags: Engaged Workforce, HRO Today Global, Learning

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