Employee EngagementLearning & Development

Leading into the Future: Lessons Learned from the Global Leadership Development Survey

The subject of leadership goes to the root of organized human behavior.  Throughout history, no great endeavor has been accomplished without leadership.  Since 1988 when HRI began conducting its major issues surveys of many of the top companies in the world, leadership has been ranked among the top five issues and is expected to remain a top issue 10 years into the future.  But leaders don’t spring into the world fully formed.  They need to be trained and developed, whatever their natural talents. 
In July, 2005 The American Management Association (AMA) and the Human Resource Institute (HRI) conducted a global leadership development survey with over 1,500 responses from managers and HR experts around the world.   The findings address three 3 key questions:
·         the drivers of change that have an impact on leadership
·         the elements of organizational culture most necessary for effective leadership development
·         the leadership competencies most important today and in the next 10 years?
At this free webcast, Jay Jamrog, Executive Director, Human Resource Institute (HRI) and Ed Reilly, CEO/President, American Management Association (AMA) will discuss the survey results and how companies both large and small can change their leadership development programs to develop the best talent.


Monday, November 7, 2005
12:00 – 1:00 pm EST
Complimentary – No cost


To Register: Call 1-800-262-9699 or go to www.amanet.org/events – Meeting #17578-00001

Use keycode XACZ


Special bonus:  The first 200 people to register for this webcast will receive the survey results in a bound manuscript format (96 pages!)


AMA’s Current Issues Webcast are your opportunity to keep up with topics that will help you stay current, advance your career and help your organization prosper. Take the time out of your busy schedule to learn new approaches, ask questions and share insights with expert speakers.


If you want to review the complete survey results online, please go to http://www.amanet.org/research.  For additional training on this topic, consider AMA’s leadership seminars and management development seminars http://www.amanet.org/seminars

Tags: Engaged Workforce, HRO Today Global, Learning

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