
Well-Being for the New Year

headshotAs 2016 begins, we at HRO Today Global Magazine look forward to the upcoming year. We hope everyone is ready to make some new resolutions about their career life and to commit to focusing on their well-being.

This is my first issue as an editor of HRO Today Global Magazine, and I welcome the opportunity to learn as much as I can in order to provide the most timely, accurate, and important information about what is happening in the industry.

In this issue, we look at the importance of human resources throughout one’s life and career, as well as the importance of employee well-being. We have a feature on relocation and the benefits of travel and working abroad on assignment. This experience greatly enhanced our contributor’s life, and he reports on the important things he learned in his career abroad. We also have an article that discusses the results of our recent employee well-being survey -the index has dropped to lowest level since the study’s inception. With a focus on employees and on talent, we feature an HR Top Trends Q&A with Accenture’s Veerle Dero, who discusses the ‘workforce of one’ and how employee wellbeing is critical to finding and retaining high-quality recruits.

We also take a look at our readers and association members. D. Zachary Misko, our vice president and global executive director, discusses in his column how the group of practitioners, providers, thought leaders, analysts, and industry experts has helped us have a successful 2015.

As I begin my tenure here, I am excited to learn about everything this industry has to offer. The topic of human resources is critically important to me, and I encourage readers to email me any ideas they may have for the magazine, or just to say hello.

Belinda Sharr, Editor

Tags: Global Winter 2016

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