Our annual roundup of the top leaders in HR.
By the Editors
2015 was an exciting year for human resources executives and technology and services providers. Now more than ever, organizations are realizing the impact the people element has on driving the bottom line. In fact, according to new HCI research, 93 of executives agree that high employee engagement is critical to business success. Employee engagement stems from workplace and organizational culture. And who is driving this? HR!
This year, the superstars recognized in our annual list of industry leaders have demonstrated forward thinking and transformative actions in the field of HR. Our 2015 Superstars Directory recognizes three categories of leadership since each has a significant impact on the success equation: Providers, Practitioners, and Advisors/Analysts. Providers deliver the services that practitioners leverage, and advisors/analysts offer expertise and guidance. Superstars were nominated externally and by the HRO Today editorial staff.