
Art Knapp of GRI Rolls out TDX Program with Brightfield Strategies – 3/9

The integration of Brightfield Stragies’ Talent Data Exchange (TDX) into MSP program operations has gained momentum. Geometric Results, Inc. (GRI) Vice President of Solutions and Innovation, Art Knapp, is focusing efforts on its engagement to accelerate the integration of TDX into MSP programs.

TDX, a membership-based data aggregation service, enables companies to precisely compute non-employee labor costs to test the validity of workforce strategies and get a comprehensive labor market overview. The program supports managed service providers, like GRI, in providing enhanced talent strategy through faster talent acquisition, improved talent quality cost rationalization, and an increase in program maturity and sophistication. Knapp is a highly praised industry innovator and with his efforts on TDX, GRI’s usage of the TDX toolset in its own MSP programs will be more effective executing talent strategy for its clients.

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