Unveils BPO Services Powered bySAP; Certified Outsourcing and Collaboration with Leading BPOProviders Enables Companies to Drive Growth and Innovation
NEWYORK, N.Y. – April 12, 2005 – Further delivering on its road map forbusiness process outsourcing (BPO), SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) today announceda new program that helps businesses execute a successful outsourcingstrategy. Under the BPO Services Powered by SAP program, SAP endorsesand actively supports the set up and ongoing operations of BPO deliveryplatforms in close collaboration with leading BPO providers, includingACS, ADP Inc., EDS and LogicaCMG, as initial program partners for theHuman Resources Outsourcing Segment. These platforms, which are basedupon the latest versions of SAPs best-in-class solutions and deployedin a cost-effective and standard way, enable companies to benefit fromprocess automation and innovation when outsourcing human resources orother administrative processes. The announcement was made inconjunction with HRO World, a leading human resources and outsourcingshow being held in New York, N.Y., April 12-14.
Companiesaround the globe are increasingly looking to outsource administrativebusiness functions, allowing them to focus more on their corecompetencies and to free up valuable resources to drive growth andinnovation. Compared to standard business process outsourcing, BPOServices Powered by SAP includes a unique combination of SAPslong-term viability as a partner and experience in providing innovativebusiness solutions with complementary services from leading BPOproviders. Together, these components provide exceptionally low risk,cut transition and operations costs and improve standardization ofquality business processes.
For Procter &Gamble, outsourcing parts of our human resources organization was astrategic move to further deploy state-of-the-art processes and relatedtechnology in order to better serve our internal customers, said LuigiPierleoni, HR director, Procter & Gamble. Also in BPO, thebest-practice business processes embedded in SAP technology make it akey differentiator for us today and in meeting the challenges oftomorrow.
SAPs services-oriented architecture,powered by the SAP NetWeaver platform, makes it easier for companiesto move non-core business processes outside the enterprise whileretaining full control of information and workflows in a seamless,tightly integrated fashion. Delivering on a vision forservices-oriented architecture, SAPs road map for BPO is designed toenable customers to benefit from better and more consistent businessprocess quality, lower overall cost and reduced risk related to BPOdeployment, transition and operations.
Fortune 2000companies are pursuing BPO as an opportunity to improve service levelsand reduce costs in their sales, general and administration processes,said Mark Hodges, chairman, EquaTerra. Enterprise technology is acritical enabler of BPO. SAP, a leading provider of business softwaresolutions, has a clear and articulate value proposition to provideBPO-ready solutions to leading outsourcing providers serving thisdynamic market.
Peter Bendor-Samuel, president ofThe Everest Group, added, Based on our research, clients areincreasingly demanding sophisticated BPO services, and businesssolutions such as those from SAP are setting new standards for theindustry by providing the right business process technologyfoundations.
BPO Services Powered by SAP Generates Support from Leading BPO Vendors
As the leading provider of business software solutions, SAP is a wellsought-after partner for leading BPO services providers. SAP iscurrently working closely with a growing number of companies for theirbusiness process expertise, SAP solution experience and qualityperformance on BPO projects. The dedicated services available to thesecompanies include up-to-date support and state-of-the art operationscompetence, solution delivery and management support. Within theframework of this specific program, each of these companies providesrespective expertise and services based on SAP solutions, and inparticular for Human Resources Outsourcing:
- ACS offers a full range of global human resources BPO services
- ADP offers global payroll and human resources BPO services to multi-national enterprises
- EDS offers global human resources BPO services
- LogicaCMG offers international human resources management including payroll BPO services to multi-national companies
We see an increasing need from our customers torespond to competitive pressure, globalization and business volatilityby re-aligning and focusing their organizations, said Leo Apotheker,member of the SAP Executive Board and president of Global FieldOperations, SAP AG. Companies want to leverage the full scope ofservice centralization and outsourcing options, while preserving thecapability to eventually change providers or re-insource services. Weare committed to supporting companies using BPO to fully leverage SAPsolutions.
Next Major Events: SAPPHIRE ’05 Copenhagen and SAPPHIRE ’05 Boston
Gain insight into the future of service-enabled enterprise software andlearn how enterprises of all sizes across diverse industries around theworld are using SAP solutions to adapt to market changes, evolve theirbusinesses and achieve competitive advantage at SAPPHIRE ’05, SAPsinternational customer conference, being held in Copenhagen, Denmark,April 26-28, and in Boston, Massachusetts, May 17-19.
About SAPSAP is the worlds leading provider of business software solutions*.Today, more than 26,150 customers in over 120 countries run more than88,700 installations of SAP softwarefrom distinct solutionsaddressing the needs of small and midsize businesses toenterprise-scale suite solutions for global organizations. Powered bythe SAP NetWeaver platform to drive innovation and enable businesschange, mySAP Business Suite solutions are helping enterprises aroundthe world improve customer relationships, enhance partner collaborationand create efficiencies across their supply chains and businessoperations. SAP industry solutions support the unique businessprocesses of more than 25 industry segments, including high tech,retail, public sector and financial services. With subsidiaries in morethan 50 countries, the company is listed on several exchanges,including the Frankfurt stock exchange and NYSE under the symbol SAP.(Additional information at <http://www.sap.com>)
(*) SAP defines business software solutions ascomprising enterprise resource planning and related software solutionssuch as supply chain management, customer relationship management,product life-cycle management and supplier relationship management.
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