It’s always important to consider what benefits you can improve within your organization to retain employees but between ‘The Great Resignation’ and today’s inflation rate, it’s more important than ever. In fact, according to LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends report, when looking for a new job, 63% of professionals seek work-life balance and 60% say compensation and benefits are priorities.
We know that in today’s job market, people have options. Candidates and employees are in the driver’s seat and are forcing organizations to rethink their approaches when it comes to recruiting and retaining the best talent.
What should organizations consider when building their talent approaches?
In this podcast, HRO Today‘s own Debbie Bolla as she sits down with Mara Klug, vice president of sales for DZConneX, who shares four strategies that are key to attracting top candidates and increasing employee retention.
This podcast was sponsored by DZConneX: