As an HR leader, you know learning and development are key to retaining high potential employees. In fact, studies have shown that organizations with strong learning cultures see increased retentions rates of 30-50%.

Do you have visibility and control of the learning and development of your team?
Traditionally, training and development programs have been decentralized, with little oversight by leaders to ensure their people are getting the development they actually need. This means that monies allocated to team development often goes unused, failing to deliver any ROI.

At your end of year budget review, do you have unused L&D funds?
Your organization may not have the hands and staffing to oversee, implement, track and report on your team’s learning and development program.

Interested in learning more?

Please fill out this form to learn more about HRO Today’s Professional Development Institute:

Introducing the HRO Today Professional Development Institute.

The mission of HRO Today is to inform, educate and improve the practice of HR. HRO Today offers a wide selection of HRCI-accredited educational conferences each year, offering the highest-quality industry content to your team. The Professional Development Institute is the first of its kind to enable leaders with complete visibility and control of their team’s development.

You’ll work with a dedicated education coordinator to monitor your subscription, register your team, send reminders, provide reporting to ensure all credits are allocated strategically so you can make the best use of your training budget. We take care of all the work so you can see the ROI and justify your spend.

Learning and development trends are telling us that personalization is a key driver in a learning culture. The Professional Development Institute offers personalized, customizable curriculum for every member of your team. Delivering a flexible learner experience by offering in-person and digital formats.

Reskilling employees has been proven to address talent gaps due to the current labor shortage. The Professional Development Institute offered by HRO Today can be your partner in reskilling or cross training your HR team in competencies such as:

  • Talent Acquisition
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Engagement & Retention
  • Learning & Development
  • Succession Planning

HRO Today has long been recognized as a leader in the HR industry.

Partnering with HRO Today Professional Development Institute will help you centralize your development strategy, maximize your budget, and deliver your return on investment.

2022 Calendar of Educational & Technology Conferences

September 17, 2024 - September 18, 2024 All Day 15th Annual Healthcare & Life Sciences Summit
October 28, 2024 - October 29, 2024 All Day Corporate Learning And Tech Forum
March 4, 2025 - March 5, 2025 All Day HR Data Analytics and AI Summit
October 28, 2024 - October 29, 2024 All Day 2024 Talent Acquisition Summit

Are you ready to revolutionize your L&D strategy?

Schedule a meeting or contact Sofia Madrigal to learn more.