Zachary Misko – Global Executive Director Emeritus
December 20, 2019
Last week I took a walk down memory lane and decided to revisit some of the letters from five year ago. I thought it would be interesting to remind myself of the things that were important then, the promises I made and the initiatives that were important at that time. Would the things said five years ago still have relevance? Were the initiatives discussed then still a part of the association today? Did we deliver where we hoped to? Several talked about the association’s commitment to support and implement best practice sharing, collaboration and networking for our members. (and they each continue to be important aspects of the associations value. Interestingly enough, 18 months later we built a value proposition for the association that highlights 5 member benefits important to our success and basically our brand. Ironically Best Practice Sharing and Networking are stated as 2 of the 5 and Collaboration plays an important element throughout. The next thing that caught my attention was the launch of our Thought Leadership Councils, or TLC’s as we refer to them. Basically these are learning sessions, and have grown from the initial standard webinar to include multiple different delivery formats for learning, best practice sharing and collaboration. As well they provide the members/speakers who deliver them an opportunity to be recognized as thought leaders in our industry. Thought Leadership. That was a phrase that came up often in 2014 and is still widely referenced today. Read full letter here.