Introducing the Association’s Newest Member Benefit – Knowledge Centers
The HRO Today Association is excited to announce the launch of its newest member initiative, Knowledge Centers. These are special interest groups that offer members the opportunity to take a dive deep into topics of shared interest, in addition to volunteer leadership and speaking opportunities.
There are two Knowledge Centers launching in June: Talent Acquisition/Talent Management (TA/TM) and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I). The TA/TM Knowledge Center will cover topics such as recruitment strategies, employee engagement, and leadership development. The DE&I Center is focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, offering resources and insights on topics such as unconscious bias, cultural competency, and inclusive leadership.
Next month’s launch will feature the first of three quarterly meetings scheduled for this year. The TA/TM Knowledge Center will meet virtually on June 7 at 11:00 AM ET followed a couple of weeks later by the DE&I Knowledge Center virtual meeting on June 20 at 11:00 AM ET. Click the links to view the meeting agenda and to register.
While any member can register and attend a Knowledge Center meeting, you can gain maximum value by joining one or both of these Knowledge Centers as a Delegate Member. There is no fee to become a Delegate Member and you: are recognized on the Knowledge Center webpage and marketing materials; receive priority access to Knowledge Center meetings; contribute your ideas for discussion topics; and are considered for speaking at Knowledge Center meetings.
To join as a Delegate Member, contact Steve Farace at Steve.Farace@SharedXpertise.com and indicate which Knowledge Center you would like to join (or both).
The launch of the HRO Today Association’s new Knowledge Centers will enhance our community that is invaluable for HR professionals who are looking to stay up to date on the latest trends and share best practices. Join the HRO Today Knowledge Centers today as a Delegate Member and start benefiting from all that they have to offer.
Reminder: Complete the Association’s Member Engagement Survey
The HRO Today Association recently launched its second quarterly survey of 2023, focusing on the effectiveness of HRO Today Association’s member engagement efforts. If you haven’t yet completed the 1-minute survey, simply click this link to access the survey.
As an incentive, those who complete the brief survey will have a chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift card. The deadline to complete the survey has been extended to Friday, May 19th.
Showcase Your Thought-Leadership – Present/Facilitate an Upcoming Association Program
Many members have experiences and expertise within HR that can make for a compelling professional development program. Don’t keep it, showcase your knowledge by presenting a Livestream or facilitating an HR Table Talk this summer or fall. Not only do you enhance others knowledge and give back to the association but you also increase your presence amongst the HR Community.
Interested? Simply complete our quick Call For Speaker form, identify a potential topic or two and upon successful review, staff will reach out to set up the event. Need help identifying a topic? Here are a few topic suggestions recently identified by Association leadership and respondents to our recent survey.

Upcoming Events
Join us for a moderated panel discussion featuring two of our prestigious 2022 HRO Today Association Award winners sharing their “Recipes for Success” and experiences with members.
Click here to learn more and register for this FREE Members-only event!
Pay transparency laws are becoming common, and being thoughtful in your approach will enable your organization to create an effective, well-reasoned compensation model which elevates your company and hiring brand.
Click here to learn more and register for this FREE Members-only event!

(Report) 2023 Survey on Industry Trends in HR Technology and Service Delivery
To help you better understand the current HR technology market, ISG surveyed enterprise leaders about their HR technology landscape, priorities and future plans. Read more.
(Report) The 2023 Kelly Global Re:work Report
Explore the disconnect between executives and employees – and why workforce satisfaction is plummeting. This report draws on two new global surveys – one from executives, and one from talent. Read More
Interested in having a resource added to our growing Member Content Library? Contact Steve Farace at steve.farace@sharedxpertise.com.