With Barry Morris, CEO, CapRelo
HRO Today: In recent blog posts you’ve discussed the importance of Employee Experience (EX). Why now?
Morris: With the battle over talent being more critical, EX is a crucial driver of HR value. Onboarding new employees is expensive while keeping existing employees is more cost effective. I have found that many global mobility groups see EX as a critical indicator of the ability to attract and retain top talent.
HRO Today: How are Employee Experience (EX) and Consumer Experience (CX) related?
Just like it is easier and less expensive to retain an existing customer than it is to acquire a new one, so it is with employees. In our business we link EX and CX because our customers experience immediately translates to employee experience. Our CX is founded in our abilities to relieve the stress and complications of the global relocation program from our clients. We provide people, subject matter expertise, technology and insight that helps make global relocation more efficient and predictable.