April 2019

HR Innovation

This year’s CHRO of the Year Award finalists are being recognized for redefining human capital management.

By Marta Chmielowicz

In today’s competitive business world, talent has the potential to be the greatest strength of an organization and one of its most powerful sources of competitive advantage. But developing a top talent pool requires more than just a good recruitment strategy: culture, technology, data insights, benefits, learning, engagement, and more are emerging as top considerations. Chief HR officers are responsible for managing all of these elements of the talent strategy while delivering business results.

CHRO of the Year Award

Tapping into Talent

The pressure on TA leaders to drive success is greater than ever before. See how this year’s award finalists are getting ahead with innovative initiatives.

By Taylor Thompson

With SHRM reporting that 83 percent of HR professionals have faced challenges recruiting the right job candidates in the past year, it comes as no surprise that organizations are restructuring their talent acquisition departments with the hopes of seeing positive change. Gone are the days of job applicants working to gain the attention of potential employers. Instead, that focus has shifted onto the organizations themselves as HR and talent acquisition leaders drive initiatives to help them stand out among the crowd in a competitive job market.

Talent Acquisition Leader of the Year

Next Generation of Leaders

Empower millennials with development programs that are suited to their strengths.

By Cheryl Allen

There is great value in using generational research to effectively inform people practices. The current workforce makeup of baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, and Generation Z is likely one of the most diversified in history. Each generation is equipped with skills and knowledge based upon the environment they grew up in, and organizations are searching for them in the current competitive business environment.

Developing Millennials

The Future is Bright

Recent research finds that millennial and Generation Z leaders are changing the world of work -for the better.

By Zoe Harte

Millennials and their younger Generation Z counterparts frequently face criticism over their commitment to the workforce and are often labeled as lazy and entitled and described as “snowflakes.” Yet these younger generations are poised to change the future of work. As these digital natives become the dominant generation in the workforce, they are quickly squashing these misconceptions and bringing their positive influences to build their vision of a new work paradigm.

Millennial Employees

A New HR Paradigm

Innovations in data science are enabling the transformation of HR.

By Jeff Mike, James Guszcza, and Kathi Enderes

Underneath buzzwords like “disruption” and “digital transformation” lie some important truths for HR leadership. There is no denying that powerful technologies aimed at individual consumers have changed the game. The best of these technologies deliver compelling, personalized experiences to customers through digital platforms, smartphones, and increasingly, augmented and virtual reality. As a result, they have created a demand for similar personalization of work experiences and workplace applications.

HR Data

New Hire Momentum

A strategic onboarding process can help engage employees during their first weeks on the job.

By Stacey Kervin

The U.S. unemployment rate has been hovering around four percent for more than a year now. While this is great news for the economy and for the American workforce, it has created a unique challenge for HR and talent acquisition professionals.

Onboarding Process

CEO’s Letter: Serious Issues Require Serious Debate

By Elliot H. ClarkI have been waxing philosophical as I ponder the upcoming HRO Today Forum North America to be held at the MGM Resort in National Harbor, Md., from May 6th to 8th. Mostly, I have been thinking about people.

HRO Today

Reimagining Rewards

Five trends are shaping the new world of employee recognition.

By Melissa Van Dyke

In today’s competitive job market, HR professionals are challenged to develop innovative and effective ways to attract and retain talent. Compensation matters, but how a company motivates and rewards its employees also has a tremendous impact on hiring and retention. More than 80 percent of U.S. businesses now invest in alternative awards, and the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) sees several trends for 2019 that will likely have an impact on these incentive efforts. These trends also offer insights on how to design effective incentive, recognition, and rewards programs -and how they can give your company a competitive advantage.

Rewards and Recognition

Outside the Mold

Organizations need to reinvent growth strategies by providing opportunities to all levels of employees.

By Meghann Arnold

When it comes to developing a strong workforce, organizations too often provide opportunity to only “traditional” employees: Those who have college degrees and a resume full of experience, volunteerism, and organizational involvement. To put it lightly, organizations don’t always give opportunities to those who don’t fit the mold of advancement.

Employee Development

TekTonic Awards

Today’s HR technology is disrupting the status quo in pursuit of efficiency, engagement, and profits.

By Marta Chmielowicz

In today’s day and age, people continue to expect an ever-more meaningful, convenient, and multi-faceted employee experience. To meet that need, HR professionals must leverage new and easy-to-use technologies that enrich the workplace, improve productivity, and deliver a competitive advantage.