Risks, Savings Accompany Offshore Services
Perhaps no single word is more synonymous with outsourcing than offshore. And yet this pairing is often misapplied, especially in a few emerging BPO areas such as HR. The percentage of BPO services that is being shifted to offshore service providers remains small, albeit growing.
Market penetration aside, the offshoring of services is still one of the most least understood methods of outsourcing, especially considering the complexities surrounding compliance, liability, security, costs, geographies, and myriad other issues. Although the common perception is that transferring services to overseas facilities can produce big savings, that’s not always the case if the arrangement isn’t constructed and executed well.
Where should you consider offshoring? How can you tell if the savings are worth the risks? What are the dangers of moving services to a different country, where privacy laws may be different from those in the U.S.? How can you maximize the savings? These and other pressing questions should be weighed carefully before you incorporate an offshore strategy.
This special offshore BPO supplement provides the answers to these and other questions you might have as you consider moving services to another market. You’ll get the expert perspective from some of the industry’s most astute authorities on offshore services and learn what it took them hundreds of thousands of air miles to garner—a truly first-hand comprehension of the offshore outsourcing market. Enjoy.