Multi-process HRSourcing

Here It Is Again, HRO World 2006 in New York City

NY HR Week and HRO World is becoming much bigger and much better. The HRO World machine is hitting new highs, it’s up and to the right, and you need to be there!

by Harry Feinberg

I get called every day by prospective HRO buyers, HRO advisors, and providers asking me how to become part of the “club.” Well, first of all, there is no club. But there is a community, a market, a vibrant buying-and-selling forum. This magazine is part of that market. It helps set the tone, defines the players, molds the trends, and gets success stories out into the boardrooms.

The second piece of becoming part of the community is the HRO World Conference. Now in its fourth year, HRO World/NY HR Week 2006 has become the best way for buyers, advisors, and providers to rapidly come up to speed on the most recent developments in this
fast-growing $59 billion market.

The first thing you must do is to register for the conference online by going to You’ll  want to attend NY/HR Week featuring HRO World, April 25-27 at the Hilton Hotel on Sixth Avenue in New York City, the Big Apple. The event is the most strategic HR event in the world and the largest HRO conference on earth. This year, NY HR Week includes the HRO World Conference and Exposition, the HRO/FAO Executive Summit, and the American Management Association’s Employee/Employer of the Future Conference, a new addition.

And for those of you who want to get deeply involved in your industry, you’ll want to attend the Human Resources Outsourcing Association’s annual meeting. Yes, my friends, the HROA, under the expert management of the Delve Group, is now delivering the value that has been long promised. Oh, and the networking is another reason not to miss this year’s event; imagine, a crowd well in excess of last year’s 3,700 attendees with whom you get to hobnob.

Each year, HRO Today brings you the most current content that capitalizes on the newest opportunities, investigates the most significant strategic issues, and takes a deep dive into some of the world’s most prominent companies and content that will set the stage for your organization’s future transformation. Simply put, we  bring you experts with the greatest minds, industry’s thought leaders who will present to you world-class wisdom. You will gain valuable take-away information and experience a stellar program that drives business results. As our magazine tag line says, this conference is “Where Business Leaders Make HR Decisions.”

World-class keynote speakers include Keith Hammonds, Fast Company magazine’s executive editor; he wrote that famous 2005 cover story, “Why We Hate HR” and will explain how he’s changed his mind about HR; the architect of DuPont’s $1.1 billion HRO project, Ernie Lareau; Ed Reilly, CEO of the American Management Association; SAP’s senior vice president of global HR practices and governance, David Kaput; and Harriet Hankins, the author of “The New Workforce, Five Sweeping Trends.”

These speakers and 128 others will all be there. They’ll take part in our ever-popular “Presidential Debate” and “The Big Issues Debate.” New this year is “The Trendsetter Panel,” and for the first time HRO World will feature top executives from the HR-BPO Buyers Group, a body of 40 top buyers from companies of 10,000-plus employees who have outsourced six or more functions simultaneously. These are the key
decision makers in the largest HRO deals.

And here’s another huge reason why you’ll want to be there: more than 175 exhibitors! If you are contemplating HRO, then you need to be in NYC at the Hilton Hotel on April 25-27. And if you really want to get excited, ask me about the “deal flow” that originated from last year’s conference—the number is already more than $4 billion dollars. That’s a lot of HRO.

Tags: Multi-Processed HR, Sourcing

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