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New Research on AI and Ethics

Deloitte’s new State of Ethics and Trust in Technology report presents a complex picture of the ethical challenges and opportunities businesses and professionals face in implementing emerging technologies.

Some of the key findings of this year’s report include the following.

  • Seventy-four percent of companies have started testing generative AI, yet 56% of professionals don’t know or are unsure if their organization has ethical guidelines for its use.
  • For generative AI, data privacy is the top concern for 22% of respondents, which is in contrast to the declining importance of data privacy in emerging technologies as a whole, falling from 19% last year to 7% this year.
  • The perception of cognitive technologies’ potential for social good is increasing — and the perception of its potential for harm is rising even faster. This year, 39% of respondents see cognitive technologies—including generative AI—as having significant potential for social good, up from 33% last year. However, 57% view these technologies as most likely to pose serious ethical risks, a noticeable increase from 41% in 2022.
  • Nearly three-quarters (73%) of respondents said their organizations are shifting some workers’ tasks due to the adoption of new technologies. Among these organizations, 85% retain individuals whose roles are affected, and more than two-thirds (67%) additionally retrain or upskill those employees for new positions, countering common perceptions that emerging technology will eliminate jobs.

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