
Lumesse Resets The Bar For Enterprise-Scale Learning

CourseBuilder 8 enables author-once/publish-to-any-device simplicity and efficiency

BRIGHTON, England and HOVE, England — Today Lumesse Learning, the learning division of the global leader for talent solutions, announced CourseBuilder 8, a major new release of the company’s popular cloud-based authoring environment for digital learning. Solving a problem common for small-to-large enterprises, CourseBuilder 8 enables learning professionals to author content once and publish to all devices -desktop, tablet and mobile -with equal ease.

The new release extends CourseBuilder’s acknowledged excellence in collaborative workflow, ease of use and excellent handling of multiple language versions adding cross-platform capabilities to make it a must-have for organisations serious about in-house content creation and learning delivery at enterprise scale. Designed to serve the wide array of technologies used by today’s businesses, CourseBuilder 8 includes HTML5 support for responsive design and adaptive elements – allowing users to design and optimize the best learning experience for all devices.

New features include:

Responsive Skins – different layout and functionalities for different devices
Responsive pages creation – page layout responds and adjusts to various device-sizes
Dynamic editing – easily switch between the various views in Editor and Preview.
Autolayout for phones – automatic re-layout of pages for phone-view
Scrollable pages – easily create scrollable pages, also on desktop
New layout functionalities – align content with Left/Right and Top/Bottom
New Search functionality in Player – find any page/content instantly; free text search and jump to page with a click
Creation of “beyond-the-course” learning content and experiences like explainers, micro-learning and gamification

Andrea Miles, general manager, Lumesse Learning, said: ‘Learners are changing in the way they want to learn, increasingly bringing their mobile phones and tablets into the mix. Leading organisations are responding with cross-platform strategies for content creation and distribution and this new release of CourseBuilder equips our learning clients–from small to large enterprise–to meet that need. I am really proud of the effort our technical team put in, building on a proud heritage to produce an absolute state-of-the-art product that fully aligns with the insights into customer need we have gained through our work with global organisations on learning solutions.’

Webinar: Using CourseBuilder 8 to Engage and Delight Your Learners
In this recorded webinar Lumesse Learning professionals Sven Ove Sjølyst, head of product for CourseBuilder and Carole Bower, head of learning solutions explain the new features and demonstrate how CourseBuilder 8 leverages gamification and other leading-edge techniques to produce exciting, engaging learning experiences for any device.

The webinar can be accessed here.

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