
Joberate’s J-index – 8/8

The new real-time predictive analytics tool measures voluntary employee attrition.

How many of your employees are considering leaving your company for greener pastures? Joberate’s J-index can provide accurate numbers through its predictive analytics tool that is an indicator of voluntary employee attrition, employee satisfaction and engagement, and is an integral predictive analytic of global employment sentiment.
Joberate technology measures job seeking behaviors of the global workforce, and feeds this information as training data into a proprietary machine learning predictive analytics engine. The engine quantifies how likely a person is to seek a new employment opportunity outside of their current employer.

Joberate technology leverages up to 6,000 data points about each individual, making it unique in its functionality and application.

Joberate has emerged as a disruptive technology that helps employers tackle Big Data, offering a digital information service that helps companies gain actionable insights by understanding job seeking behaviors of their employees and the global workforce.
Commercial applications of Joberate technology include reducing employee attrition and comprehensive workforce planning, which collectively represent a $350 billion challenge for companies globally. Another application of Joberate technology is to enable companies to follow interesting people for the purpose of recruitment, disrupting the paradigm of traditional recruitment advertising, which can be expensive and less effective at attracting knowledge workers.

“Launching J-index is aligned with our vision of a more transparent employment market, and our mission of helping society better understand job seeking behaviors of the global workforce,” said Michael Beygelman, Joberate CEO . Beygelman continued, “Even though we are living in the information age, companies rely on incomplete data to understand what is happening with their workforce, how to capture opportunities, and how to avoid risk. Launching J-index is our contribution to society, so that what is happening in the workplace can become more transparent and actionable.”

Currently J-index measures employees of Fortune 100 companies, but Joberate plans are already in place to expand J-index to measure all Global 2000 companies.

Tags: Newsfeed

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