The global workforce is changing exponentially. The pace of change risks leaving portions of the workforce behind. Worldwide, seven in 10 HR decision-makers believe that the skills needed in their role will change over the next five years, according to a recent study from Indeed. Among them, 44% of respondents feel this shift will be “moderate,” while 27% believe it will be “significant.”
At the same time, many respondents feel that they are prepared for workplace challenges, even more than their employees and other people within the industry. When asked to describe their feelings about potential changes to their role over the next five years, their responses include capable (37%), prepared (35%), and excited (28%). When it comes to the increased use of technology in the workplace, just 16% of HR leaders are pessimistic, while 52% are optimistic.
Globally, respondents believe that technology has had a net positive impact on productivity, communication, and workplace well-being, yet views are about even on the impact of technology on employee morale (30% positive, 31% negative). Positivity is highest in India (83%) and lowest in France (57%).
Despite broad support for AI, respondents believe that it’ll cost more jobs than it creates. Nearly half of all respondents think so. As for the roles themselves, respondents see skilled tradespeople as the least likely to be replaced by AI.
Respondents also agree that while data analysis, routine tasks, attention to detail, unbiased decision-making, problem-solving, and content creation are performed better by AI than people. At the same time, they believe that humans make better decisions, are better at critical thinking, and customer services. Only one characteristic—emotional intelligence—garnered majority support, with 56% saying that humans do it better.
Respondents believe that skills development is the duty of individual companies than their staff, the report finds, and 44% have upskilled within the past three years.