Since the Third Quarter of 2014, HRO Today magazine and Yoh Recruitment Process Outsourcing joined together and launched an index to measure employment security.
According the U.S Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), more than 70 percent of what the U.S. produces is for personal consumption. Since the perception of job security greatly impacts purchasing behavior, there is a need to focus on how individuals perceive their job outlook.
Most existing indices, such as the Consumer Confidence Index, Gallup’s Economic Confidence Index, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), and the United States Index of Consumer Sentiment, examine various economic measures with a focus on macro metrics. However, they fail to measure the attitudes of those employed. The Glassdoor Employment Confidence Index focuses on than general perception of the business, job market, or other employees rather than the employee’s personal experience.