Research & Best Practices

HR and Hiring Managers: Where They Differ and Agree on TA Performance

How do the opinions of HR and hiring managers vary regarding TA processes?

In a time when worldwide unemployment rates are reaching historic lows, recruiters are under increasing pressure to fill positions quickly. Hiring managers, faced with their own challenges, are not always the most sympathetic partners in the hiring process. But how do they really feel about the state of recruiting in their company? How do HR recruiters’ opinions about the internal hiring process vary from opinions of the hiring managers, and how do both groups feel about each other and the support of their mutual goals?

Key takeaways from this report include:

  • Recruiters underestimate hiring manager satisfaction, consistently rating their perceptions of the process and hiring manager satisfaction lower than hiring managers themselves.
  • Responsibility for onboarding needs better definition. Hiring managers look to recruiters far more than recruiters look to themselves when making sure new employees have the tools needed to succeed.
  • There is frustration over the lack of applications presented for open positions, with low satisfaction scores from both sides. The continued tight labor market has made sourcing candidates an even greater priority.
  • Recruiter satisfaction with their Applicant Tracking Systems is only moderate, with opportunities to improve across ATS capabilities.

What other insights into TA performance does the report reveal?

Click here to download the report.

Click here to download the executive summary.

Tags: Talent Acquisition

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