March 2018

Finding the Right Formula

Learn how employee engagement strategies and surveys can be used to drive meaningful change.

By Debbie Bolla

Employee engagement has been one of the most talked about topics in HR in recent years. It’s certainly not a new idea, but shocking statistics -both good and bad -of its impact on business have put employee engagement back on the map in a big way. So it’s no wonder that HR is searching for the right formula to drive engagement among the workforce. A good place to start is by taking a look at organizational culture.

HRO Today March 2018

2018 Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Ratings: Relocation

We rank the top providers based on customer satisfaction surveys.

By The Editors

HRO Today’s Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Ratings are based solely on feedback from buyers of the rated services; the ratings are not based on the opinion of the HRO Today staff. We collect feedback annually through an online survey which we distribute to buyers directly through our own mailing lists and indirectly through service providers.

HRO Today Baker's Dozen

Recognizing Goodness

Companies are adopting volunteer programs to attract and retain younger workers.

By Marta Chmielowicz

Every day, people become more conscious of their impact on the world and how they can shape it in their personal lives. Faced with global economic, political, and social instability and disruption, the millennial generation in particular is turning its attention to social causes that benefit the greater good. Whether it’s by supporting altruistic brands like TOMS or contributing to non-profit fundraising efforts on Facebook, it’s clear that young people today want to be socially responsible. And this trend has immense implications for business.

Recognizing Volunteering

To Bot or Not to Bot?

Artificial intelligence has the potential to improve speed to hire, quality of hire, and candidate experience.

By Marta Chmielowicz

Due to rapid advancement in machine learning and natural language processing, chatbots have not only captured the attention of consumer-facing brands, but are also beginning to infiltrate the business sector. Although they have primarily been utilized in customer service, this technology’s capabilities have broadened beyond support and now offer many opportunities to assist the HR function.

Chatbots in Talent Acquisition

Contingent Connection

Organizations are increasingly turning to social media as a way to attract contract workers.

By Marta Chmielowicz

No matter the name -contractors, freelancers, consultants, or contingent workers -there is no denying that the gig economy workforce has seen a massive spike in recent years. According to Upwork’s 2017 Freelancing in America study, the contingent workforce in the U.S. now makes up 36 percent of the working population and is growing at a rate three times faster than the total workforce overall. At the current rate, the majority of workers in the U.S. will freelance within the next 10 years.

Engaging Contingent Workers

Next-Gen Leaders

Organizations need to start grooming top-performing millennials into tomorrow’s leaders.

By Rachel Cubas-Wilkinson

It’s hard to believe but it’s been three years since millennials surpassed Gen-Xers as the largest segment of the workforce. This shift has made a notable impact across the spectrum of employee recruitment, selection, succession planning, and development for leadership roles. As the number of millennials in the workforce rises, baby boomers who still hold many leadership positions are continuing to retire -and there’s a notably smaller cohort of Gen Xers slated to take their place. The result: Millennials may find themselves thrust into leadership and management roles sooner than anticipated.

Millennial Employees

Making Teams Work

Three strategies that help managers enable their employees to succeed.

By Amy Leschke-Kahle

At work, a team can mean many things. Organizations can have a team of executives or a team of frontline workers. They can have a hierarchical team, a flatter team, or a dynamic team that brings together contractors and full-time employees from disparate groups or practices depending on the project at hand. Whether it’s in the field of hospitality, technology, or on the shop floor, teams are where work lives. But increasingly, more and more work gets done in groups outside of the organizational chart.

Workforce Management

Creating a Culture of Compliance

Ways HR can mitigate risk in the coming era of the GDPR.

By Caroline Tahon

With the Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into full effect this May, many organizations are updating their technology and processes to ensure compliance. What they may be overlooking, however, is the human aspect of information privacy and security. When done right, prioritizing a shift toward a culture of compliance can have benefits that extend well beyond the avoidance of repercussions.

GDPR Compliance

What’s Your Formula?

By Debbie Bolla

Is there a secret to employee engagement? That’s the question our cover story, Finding the Right Formula, is looking to answer. After speaking with a great roundup of experts, it seems that employee engagement is achievable, but the approach needs to be customized to organizational culture.

HRO Today

CEO’s Letter: Engaging Your Engine

Stay tuned for a new Baker’s Dozen survey rating employee engagement evaluation providers.

By Elliot H. Clark

I can remember as a young geek watching episodes of the science fiction series Star Trek. Captain Kirk and his series successor Captain Picard would gesture with their hands and say the word “engage,” and the warp engines would magically whisk the starship to light-speed. Unfortunately for HR professionals -who are not in the Starfleet -we have to deal with warp engines made of people. We have talked so much about talent acquisition the past few years, but now, as the labour markets heat up, organisations need to be laser-focused on retention and engagement. Most companies already are. But how are industry providers of engagement surveys and consulting services faring? This year, HRO Today Global will launch a Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction survey for Employee Engagement Survey Services to find out just that.

HRO Today