Employee Well-being

Noisy Environments Make Employees Mentally Tired

New research from Jabra analyzes the role audio plays on cognitive, emotional, and physical well-being in the workplace and finds return-to-office (RTO) initiatives can create unintended consequences if not managed…

Workers Increasingly Unable to Meet Basic Needs

ComPsych has released new data showing a stunning surge in North Americans workers struggling to meet their basic needs. Nearly one in three (28%) of non-clinical cases managed by ComPsych…

Employee Well-being Impacts Performance

Personify Health, the first and only platform company to bring health, well-being, and navigation solutions together, has released the results of a 2,000-employee survey, “2024 Insights: Employee Health and Productivity…

Supporting Women’s Health in the Workplace

HR leaders can cultivate an engaged, productive, and resilient workforce by prioritizing female well-being. By Amanda Martell Women’s health has become a top priority for HR teams and employers, and…

More CEOs Than Employees View Workplace as Toxic

Businessolver, a leader in benefits and HR technology solutions, has released initial findings from its 2024 State of Workplace Empathy Study, which surveys more than 3,000 employees, HR leaders, and…

Employee Engagement Not Improving, Study Finds

Gallup’s latest State of the Workplace report finds that global employee engagement stagnated and employee well-being declined in 2023 after multiple years of steady gains. The result is that most…

Employer Benefits Alleviate Financial Stress

Financial Finesse, the country’s leading independent provider of unbiased workplace financial wellness coaching programs, has released Workplace Financial Wellness in America, an annual snapshot of the American workforce through the…

The Trend Report: Workplace Detox

How to spot and course correct toxic behavior. By Theresa A. Dear CHROs and CEOs are facing a rapidly changing work environment that includes workforce shortages, quiet quitting, return-to-work resistance,…

On the Pulse

A recent report dives deeper into the pressing HR topics of recruitment, AI, and employee well-being. By Alison Stevens Today’s HR leaders are facing unprecedented challenges, with economic uncertainty, shallow…