APAC May 2021

Engaging Today’s Workforce

Strategies for keeping employees engaged in the ever-evolving world of work.

By Simon Kent

The pandemic may be receding in some parts of the APAC region but the impact on the workplace is still high. Engaging with workers in this environment remains a challenge for HR, requiring them to constantly reassess their approach to communications and employee support. Elements of the ‘old normal’ may be emerging but these come with new challenges rather than a sigh of relief.

Empowering Women in the Workplace

Mid-market businesses still have a long way to go to achieve true gender diversity.

By Marta Chmielowicz

COVID-19 has amplified the challenges faced by working women, driving millions to reconsider their careers as they are forced to shoulder the majority of home schooling and caregiving responsibilities. This moment provides an important opportunity for employers to rethink how they support and retain their female employees.

Gaps in Employee Trust

New research shows trust is critical to employee engagement and productivity.

By Marta Chmielowicz

After a year of disruption, physical separation, and anxiety as the world confronted a global health crisis, a sense of belonging and connection has emerged as a top driver of employee engagement. But the first step to belonging is trust -and new research from the Workforce Institute reveals that whilst some organisations are getting it right, many still have a lot to learn about fostering trust in the workplace.

Getting Digital Transformation Right

Organisations on a tech-driven journey will need strong leadership at the helm to succeed.

By Marta Chmielowicz

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated digital transformation in the workplace, forcing people and employers alike to embrace virtual tools in nearly every aspect of life. Whilst this has allowed employees to remain connected in a time of extreme uncertainty, some organisations are struggling to keep pace with the technology breakthroughs.

Implementing a People-First Approach

Learn how Venus Soundararajan led an HR transformation for BFSL that puts people at the heart of strategy.

By Debbie Bolla

Building an employee-first culture is key to Venus Soundararajan’s human capital strategy for BOB Financial Solutions Limited (BFSL). The people-minded company culture is strengthened and reinforced by aligning initiatives to organisational values and goals. Soundararajan’s well-designed HR policies are always created with the employee at the forefront.

Global Mobility Shifts

New research reveals top destinations and trends among international relocation.

By Debbie Bolla

COVID-19 and the influx of remote work are clearly having an impact on global mobility. Boston Consulting Group and The Network’s study Decoding Global Talent, Onsite and Virtual examines worker attitudes on specific work destinations and shifts in mobility. The research finds that about 50% of respondents are willing to move to another country for a role. What factors have impacted this?