Helping to secure commitments from best candidates
By Bill Hatton
Relocation is often seen as tactical, but can it be more strategic? To find answers to that and related questions, we reached out to global relocation providers who could both speak to the evolving role of mobility as well as speak broadly about trends within the European Union.
Graebel Relocation put HRO Today Global in contact with Benjamin Ivory, CRP, GMS managing director of Graebel Relocation EMEA headquarters (Prague, The Czech Republic). He is a respected industry veteran with more than three decades in executive management positions at Graebel Companies, Inc.
HRO Today Global: Is movement toward strategic talent- acquisition roles an EU trend, as it is in other regions APAC?
Ivory: The pressure to control costs leads to increased scrutiny of the significant cost to relocate a family to fill a talent need worldwide. Global mobility professionals become a key part of this evaluation process. Furthermore, to attract the very best talent, the services (in the policy) must be as good as (preferably better) than the employer’s competition, and must be administered then performed to the highest quality.
HROTG: Does mobility make the difference on the front end in talent acquisition? If so, what aspects of mobility are most important strategically in EU, and have the best chances of landing the best prospects. What do recruiters look for as a differentiator?
Ivory: I believe that mobility can make a huge difference on the front end of talent acquisition. In the EU, the wide variety of support that is available is still becoming understood and is more frequently expected. For a family with children, helping to find housing and education is often the highest priority.
It is my experience that recruiters are looking for a wide variety of information that will help them secure a commitment from the candidate. Most candidates have a unique requirement or concern. Service providers often have the experience and information to help the recruiter respond with the right information. As markets get tougher, I expect recruiters to be more anxious to get helpful information.
HROTG: What do you believe are the hottest mobility topics coming out of the EU?
Ivory: Tax and Immigration compliance are the hottest mobility topics, because each country has differing regulations that can change at different time intervals. This makes for added complexity and risk.
HROTG: What is the most important need-to- know about mobility for an HR practitioner in the EU right now?
Ivory: Because of the increasing complexity and the volatility of regulations, the HR practitioner needs to know where to access the best information, including their own company employee data.
HROTG: What does an HR practitioner need to know is coming in the future, in order to keep pace with this change(s)?
Ivory: They need to know that the environment is not likely to become easier or less complex. HR practitioners also need to know that they are not alone; they can learn from each other and secure valuable direction from and experienced RMC and service providers.
HROTG: Why do you believe that? Can you give me an example, and what steps can a provider take to help make sure they and the HR practitioner are doing the right thing?
Ivory: First, governments around the world are looking for ways to increase their revenues to pay for deficits and increased social costs. Additionally, the recent pressures caused by refugee migration in Europe will bring additional burdens on governments to provide assistance and to manage their borders. Providers can help by sharing best practices, creating environments for learning, by offering technology to better manage, report and utilise the data to make informed decisions, and by being an honest and ethical partner. At Graebel Relocation, we have many examples where we have helped companies avoid a serious compliance issue by using our technology and our experience.