This nomination form is for the Employee Engagement Program of the Year Awards, held at the 12th Annual People in Healthcare Summit. This award highlights measurable achievements in employee engagement and retention. This includes effecitve programs in corporate and employee communications, learning and development, rewards and recognition, or any program that increased employee engaegement to achieve high performances in service delivery, operational efficiency and productivity, employee retention, customer satisfaction and/or high scores in employee engagement surveys and feedback.

The 12th Annual People in Healthcare Summit will take place in-person September 20-21, 2022 in Philadelphia. Nominate your Employee Engagement Program today by completing the form below.

Nominations are open through June 30, 2022.

Attention HR Service Providers: to nominate a client, please have their team complete the below form. Nominations will not be accepted otherwise.

Nominee Information

Representatives from the nominated organization must be available to attend the awards presentation luncheon at the People in Healthcare Summitin Philadelphia, PA taking place September 20-21, 2022 to apply.

All HRO Today in-person events will be held to the highest safety and health protocols, and managed with the well-being of our guests, sponsors and staff at top of mind.

Describe the key initiative(s) led by the nominee.

Please provide information about leadership effectiveness, corporate and employee communications, learning and growth development, or corporate social responsibility community programs.

Describe the impact of the nominee’s initiative(s).

Please provide specific quantitative information about the impact, such as the service delivery and quality, operational efficiency and productivity, employee engagement survey and feedback, and customer satisfaction and loyalty, etc. These are only examples; any quantitative information is helpful in our deliberations.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.


Details of the person submiting the nomination.