Global Summer 2017

Going Glocal

A successful, global recognition programme calls for a local touch.

By Debbie Bolla

With nearly 50,000 employees in 180 countries, the global nature of The Dow Chemical Company’s workforce was a primary consideration for its employee recognition programme. What was CHRO Johanna Söderström and her team’s solution? A global platform executed locally.

HR Outsourcing

Sharing Best Practices

The 2017 HRO Today Forum APAC will offer winning strategies and workshops for better talent acquisition and management.

As the summer draws to a close, HR professionals from all over the APAC region are gearing up for September and the HRO Today Forum APAC: a much-anticipated event that will supply insights and best practices to “Drive Corporate Strategy.” The forum will take place at the Excelsior in Hong Kong and is sure to be an industry highlight for 2017.

HRO Today Forum

Don’t Ignore the GDPR

Four things to know about the biggest change to data protection laws in 30 years.

By Cecile Georges

Keeping up with the 50,000 or more legislative changes that occur around the world each year can be a daunting task for any HR team. But now, HR leaders of multinational companies need to brace themselves for a particularly large regulatory change: the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

HR Outsourcing

Local Flavour

Organisations operating in EMEA that leverage a localised approach to HR can connect to an international workforce.

By Christa Elliott

The EMEA region encompasses 116 countries on three continents, but despite the area’s cultural and geographic diversity, there is at least one thing that its businesses have in common -the need for a localised approach to HR policies and processes, particularly in Europe. Many organisations have implemented localised hiring programmes and benefit rollouts for years, and these practices are more widespread than ever before in EMEA.

HR Outsourcing

Overcoming Immigration Uncertainties

HR should consider four approaches to help navigate the ever-changing immigration regulations.

By Tim O’Shea

Immigration is one of the most complicated and important issues that HR professionals face today. An intricate lattice of social, political, religious, and economic forces collide to create ebbs and flows in immigration, as well as country-specific policies. Each day, people all around the world cross national borders in search of opportunity or refuge. But many governments are reacting to the growing anti-globalisation sentiment with proposals for stricter immigration rules and doubling efforts to enforce existing regulations.

Immigration Laws

New Global Player

With rapid business growth, talent leaders need to keep their eye on Latin America.

By Paula Jacomo

Between the introduction of new technologies, changing demographics, and talent wars within the region, Latin America (LATAM) has quickly emerged as a fierce competitor in the global talent market. The region has seen rapid business growth for multinational corporations looking to expand their footprints, and its start-up community is also booming. Not only has this growth swiftly increased the demand for talent, but it has also led to a shift in employee expectations regarding the technologies and benefits made available to them.

HR Outsourcing

The Key is Agility

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany’s streamlined approach to global recruiting positions them for success.

By Debbie Bolla

By its nature, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany is a complex business. With 50,000 employees in nearly 70 countries, the leading science and technology company executes business in not one, but three sectors: healthcare, life science, and performance materials. In the United States and Canada, they are operating as EMD Serono in healthcare, MilliporeSigma in life science and EMD in performance materials.

HR Outsourcing

Editor’s Note: Global Plus Local

By Debbie Bolla

As more and more organisations expand their footprints and establish a multinational presence, the idea of being “glocal” -conducting business according to both local and global considerations – has become commonplace. As you know, we go glocal with HRO Today Global, the sister publication to HRO Today, which covers similar pressing HR topics but with a focus on trends specific to EMEA and APAC.

HRO Today Services and Technology Association Update

By D. Zachary Misko

Thought leaders are the informed opinion experts and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas, turn them into realities, and know and show how to replicate their success. We certainly have a great group of thought leaders and innovators involved in our association and our HRO Today Forum events. This is demonstrated by the outstanding group of senior HR executives and industry experts who attend and speak at our conference, and offer advice in our magazine and through opportunities within our association.

Zachary Misko HRO Today