EMEA May June 2019

Decreasing the Gap

Faced with stricter pay reporting regulations, UK companies are implementing recruitment strategies to increase diversity.

By Simon Kent

The UK’s gender pay gap reporting regulations, which require organisations with more than 250 employees to publish their pay gap data, have revealed the significant and entrenched gender inequality that exists in the workplace. But on its own, the initiative is not enough to change the problems it highlights.

Gender Pay Gap

Facing the Future

Technology is disrupting the HR industry, but organisations can prepare by embracing policies that encourage a blended workforce.

By Simon Kent

Technology-driven change in the workplace should not be feared. Indeed, HR teams should welcome it as an opportunity to contribute more to the success of their businesses. Recently, the UK’s own Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd emphasised the benefits of technology by saying, “Automation is driving the decline of banal and repetitive tasks so the jobs of the future are increasingly likely to be those that need human sensibilities, with personal relationships, qualitative judgment, and creativity coming to the fore.”

HR Technologies

On-Demand In Demand

Today’s technology developments can improve the ease and efficiency of payroll and rewards processes.

By Simon Kent

It’s a cliché but it’s true: There really is an app for everything. For employers, the 24/7 always-on, always-available level of service expected by customers is now also expected by employees. Just as banking hours have been replaced by a constantly accessible online portal, the idea that employees should wait until office hours to check their pay, rewards, benefits, and other work-related entitlements is becoming outdated.

Payroll Technology

HRO Today Association Update: Thought Leadership -Unlock Your Potential

By D. Zachary Misko

Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and know and show how to replicate their success. We certainly have a great group of thought leaders and innovators involved in our association, as demonstrated by the outstanding group of HR executives, industry experts, and best-selling authors who speak at our Thought Leadership Councils (TLCs), as well as the people who attend them.

HR Association

Editor’s Note: Making Pay Equality Stack Up

By Debbie Bolla

Pay transparency has been making headlines in recent months -and is a good reason our Editor-at-Large Simon Kent reports on the impact of the UK’s gender pay gap reporting regulations in this issue’s cover story Decreasing the Gap.

HRO Today