EMEA May 2021

The Road to Progress

LGBT+ employees face significant barriers to inclusion in the workplace.

By Marta Chmielowicz

Whilst diversity and inclusion have long been lauded as key strategies to improve belonging and engagement at work, the reality is that many organisations struggle to create an inclusive workplace for all employees. LGBT+ individuals in particular face significant hurdles at work, with the CIPD’s Inclusion at Work study revealing higher instances of workplace conflict, harassment, discrimination, and psychological safety.

A New Approach to TA

Turkcell’s digital process has revolutionised recruitment for early career talent.

By Marta Chmielowicz

Turkcell, the leading mobile phone operator in Turkey, realised that empowering today’s youth is critical to laying the groundwork for a more sustainable future. By engaging recent graduates and early career talent, the company tapped into a promising talent pool -a prospect that was especially enticing given that Turkey has the highest proportion of youth in the EU, with nearly half of its population under the age of 31.

COVID-based Claims

New research finds that organisations should be ready for a litany of claims based on COVID-19 mismanagement.

By Debbie Bolla

Organisations are anticipating COVID-related litigations to skyrocket this year, with Gallagher finding that seven in 10 claims management companies already reported receiving claims based on COVID-19. Even further, of those claims management companies that haven’t received claims yet, three-quarters (76%) said they were expecting an increase over the coming months. The research also anticipates that claims will cause a 40% rise in litigation compared to previous years.

Workplace Cybercrime: On the Rise

The shift to remote working has put organisations at increased risk.

By The Editors

As the COVID-19 pandemic forced the U.K. and the world at large to issue regional lockdowns, businesses had to swiftly move to remote work environments. The heavy reliance on technology paired with the rate at which the transformation was required has opened organisations up to potential risk: cybercrime.