APAC July August 2021

Inclusion and Emerging Work Models

Considerations for ensuring equality as hybrid work increase.

By Simon Kent

HR executives are fully aware of the potential benefits of the emerging hybrid work model for employees, but are they aware of the potential inequalities this model could bring? It seems achieving a mix of working locations can deliver greater -or at least comparable -productivity and sometimes an even better work-life balance. But that’s just it: Sometimes it works, and other times it doesn’t.

On the Edge

Malaysia is nearing the transition to a high-income, developed economy, but several factors could stand in the way.

By Marta Chmielowicz

Despite the setbacks of COVID-19, Malaysia is likely to make the transition from an upper-middle-income economy to a high-income economy in the next five years. This transition is not an easy one; in the past 30 years, only 33 countries have transitioned to high-income status. Navigating the next stage of development offers an opportunity to assess the quality and sustainability of Malaysia’s economic growth and highlights the need for tough reforms and policy changes.

Seeking Flexibility

Employees in India are demanding more flexibility post-pandemic, but three considerations should be top of mind.

By Marta Chmielowicz

The COVID-19 pandemic ushered flexibility into the workplace like never before, with employers adapting to meet the needs of their employees as they transitioned to a new remote reality. Now, many companies are finding that flexibility is no longer a nice to have -it is an expectation.

New Study: Post-Pandemic Work Era

A new study reveals five workforce approaches stemming from the lessons of the pandemic.

By Zee Johnson

When the COVID-19 lockdown began, organisations worldwide had to rethink their working structures. The new model sought? One that drove productivity, ensured safety, and catered to employees’ shifting attitudes whilst working from the confines of their homes.

New Research: Learning and Development

Honing in on both hard and soft skills will be key in the new world of work.

By Zee Johnson

Global organisations are working to make the transition from the old world of work to the new normal as seamless as possible. This adjustment requires proactive and engaged leadership and employees who are receptive to the new skills they are needed.

Udemy’s 2021 Workplace Learning Trends Report identifies the most common changes that occurred during 2020 and how businesses can effectively implement them.

Adapting to Digital Natives

Young employees demand greater choice, flexibility, and autonomy from their employers.

By Marta Chmielowicz

Millennials and Generation Z workers, aged between 18 and 40, currently make up most of the global workforce. By 2035, these digital natives will be at the helm of many leadership teams, so understanding and investing in this cohort is critical to future business success.