Presenting a Livestream

Shine the spotlight on a successful initiative or talk through how you conquered a challenging situation by presenting a livestream on our global stage. Choose the format and length that suits your topic best, as we know that everyone prefers different methods and approaches when it comes to learning.

  • Livestream Learning Session: This format typically supports one topic/viewpoint from a subject matter expert directed at informing and educating attendees. Session length: 20 – 30 minutes
    View Sample: Using Social Media to Create Talent Funnels
  • Livestream Learning Workshop This interactive format, led by one or more subject matter expert, provides attendees the opportunity to engage via activities, Q&A, and group discussion. Speakers may provide post-session information highlighting key takeaways and follow up work to support the information learned and ensure attendees can bring lessons back for practical application in their own workplace. Session length: 45 – 60 minutes
  • Livestream Showcase Session This format is devoted to sharing best practices and/or lessons learned on a specific topic, technology, process, tool, or resource, in the form of short, impactful talks. Session length: 5 -10 minutes
  • Livestream Interview Session This format is a one-on-one structured conversation where one participant asks questions and the other provides answers on a focused HR topic. Session length: 20 – 60 minutes
    View Sample: Developing the Inclusion Habit
  • Livestream Panel Discussion This format allows attendees to hear multiple perspectives and insights. A diverse, cross-functional panel of two or more subject matter experts respond to questions asked by the session host or facilitator. Session length: 45 – 60 minutes
    View Sample: Effective Blended Learning for Leadership Development

No matter what format you choose, all livestreams are intended to be interactive and intimate so participants can ask questions, create meaningful connections, and come away with new ideas and/or insights on the latest evolutions of tried and true practices.

Sessions are typically scheduled on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays, at 11 AM Eastern time so that we can accommodate section of our global membership..

All sessions are recorded and offered to members in our on-demand library, so your message continues to reach our audience well beyond the live presentation.

Questions? Contact Steve Farace at for more information or to schedule a 10-minute call to discuss options.