2024 HRO Today Association Awards Rules and Deadlines

Rules and Additional Information

The awards are presented in three regions: APAC, EMEA, and North America. Once nominations have been received, the HRO Today Association Awards Judging Panel will determine who is qualified to become a Finalist. From that group, the Panel will make their selections for Winners within each category based on several key criteria. Criteria may include, but are not limited to: business relevance, overall employee effectiveness, innovation, impact on customers/industry, quality of nomination, and the ability to provide specific and measurable outcomes, results, and/or data.

Finalists will be notified 3 to 5 weeks prior to their respective regional awards presentation. Upon notification, all finalists must confirm their ability to attend the regional award presentation. Failure to do so by the date requested may disqualify your nomination. See events listed below for the 2024 regional award presentation dates.

When applicable, we may include multiple winners in one award category, to represent a specific industry (i.e., Healthcare, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, etc.), to designate size (i.e., Start Up, Mid-Size, etc.) and/or type of company (i.e., For Profit, Not for Profit, etc.), as well as differentiate between HR Practitioners and HR (Service and Technology) Providers, again when applicable.

All nominations submitted become the property of SharedXpertise Media LLC and may be repurposed, reused, restated in part or entirety within any of SharedXpertise Media LLC’s product and/or service lines, which also include our website, social media, presentations and/or collateral.

Nominations submitted with incomplete or missing information in any of the required fields will not be eligible for consideration.

All winners are kept confidential and will not be announced prior to the regional awards presentation.

Regional Awards Presentation Dates

North America and EMEA

Nominee(s) in North America and EMEA must confirm their ability to attend the HRO Today Association Conference and Awards Program. This is a virtual, online HR micro-event that offers interactive live sessions for learning, best practice sharing opportunities and networking. Throughout the conference, we will recognize excellence as we reveal the winners of this year’s HRO Today Association Awards! All award finalists will be in attendance as we showcase their accomplishments and announce winners in each category.

Nomination deadline: October 1, 2024

Presentation date: December 6, 2024; 11:00AM – 1:30PM ET
as part of the HRO Today Association Conference and Awards Program.


Nominee(s) in APAC must confirm their ability to attend the HRO Today Association APAC Board of Advisors Q4 Meeting (virtual). During this quarterly meeting with our APAC leaders, we invite all finalists to log into the video conference so we can recognize their accomplishments and announce winners in each category.

Nomination deadline: October 1, 2024

Presentation date: December 18, 2024; 8:00PM – 9:00PM ET
as part of the HRO Today Association APAC Board of Advisors Q4 Meeting and Awards Program (virtual)