What Is It Costing You Not To Listen? “The Listing Path”- A Proven System To Guide And Transform How You Listen
Presented By: Christine Miles, Founder and CEO, EQuipt

Is listening an important part of your organization’s professional skillset? Listening, not speaking, is the most powerful form of communication. Although listening is regarded as one of the most critical business and life skills, we live in a world where little time and resources are spent on teaching people how to listen. In fact, we do quite the opposite. Employees’ development and skill building is focused largely on teaching people how to tell, to know, and to speak. Listening was already hard, and with the new normal of virtual and hybrid workplaces, multi-tasking and digital distractions are at an all- time high, making listening even more difficult. Christine Miles is a longtime expert in educating individuals and organizations on how to listen in ways that transform how they connect, influence, solve and succeed in every aspect of life. Following the steps of her breakthrough Listening Path™ will provide you with a critical key to your success—understanding.

In this workshop you will learn the new, game-changing paradigm for listening and learn to:

  • Discover why even good listeners fail
  • Identify the enemy of listening and the different listening personas
  • Understand the importance of listening on organizational results and success
  • Discover the Path to transform how your organization listens
  • Apply 3 Listening Path tools™ to transform how to listen


Building & Revitalizing The Corporate University: A Right-Now Strategy
Presented By: Dr. Zarat Y. Boyd, Visionary Architect (HOPE Global, LLC), and President & Chief People Officer (MaxLife, Inc.)

Organizations of any size can build a corporate university. Done strategically and holistically, the Corporate University serves as a catalyst to shape organizational culture, drive profitable growth and change, and engage and retain a productive workforce that aligns with the organization’s short and longterm business goals. This half-day workshop explores the pathways to building or revitalizing the learning organization to ensure a business-centric AND a learner-centric approach.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Envision what the future may hold for your organization
  • Identify the components of Matrix Learning as a fundamental principle of a Corporate University
  • Assesses your current state to see where to start anew or revitalize
  • Discover ways for continuous improvement of learners and teams

High-Level Outline:

  • Session 1: Realizing Your Personal Learning Journey (20 min)
  • Session 2: Discovering the Evolution of The Corporate University (15 min)
  • Session 3: Embracing Matrix Learning as a Fundamental Building Block (30 min) -Life-Long, Life-Wide, Life-Deep and Life-Full Learning
  • Session 4: Learning Key Hallmarks of a Corporate University (45 min)
  • Session 5: Assessing the Readiness for Starting or Revitalizing a Corporate University (30 min)
  • Session 6: Reflections & Closing Comments (10 min)


(Opening Keynote): Scaffolded Learning In Action
Presented By: Julian Stodd, Founder and CEO, Sea Salt Learning

We have seen broad shifts in organizational learning, with an emphasis on relevance (what you need, when you need it), collaboration (socially co-created meaning and access to tacit and tribal knowledge), and prediction (pathways, recommendation engines, as well as insights through analytics). In general, learning today is more adaptive, personal, and evolutionary, but this shift comes with challenges: the technologies, behaviours, and mechanisms of measurement and control.

In this session we will explore three broad aspects:

  • The context of the Social Age – evolution of knowledge, rise of community, and democratization of power
  • Scaffolded Social Learning – as a methodology for the design and delivery of socially collaborative learning
  • The Socially Dynamic Organization – a broader view of how Learning relates to the evolution of our broader organizations – to be more interconnected, innovative, and effective


Reskilling/Upskilling: Modernizing Your Learning Management System (LMS) For The Future
Presented By: Karen Massey, Director Learning & Development, Bumble Bee Foods

It’s estimated that up to 75% of technology projects fail. A specifically stressful statistic for L&D when investing in Learning technology that is essential for supporting our people strategies. Outdated, under-utilized online learning platforms tucked away in the dark corner of the intranet spoken about only in the context of compliance don’t cut it in today’s increasingly agile workforce. The need to scale learning across a wide range of audiences has never been more evident. So how do we ensure LMS utilization doesn’t fall flat? During our time together we’ll tackle how to evolve your online learning platform to fit the ever-changing needs of the modern learner!

Learn how your LMS can meet the needs of business and people strategies.

  • What’s in it for me? Understand how online learning boosts professional development and helps people reach their highest potential.
  • Increase your LMS adoption rate above the industry standard
  • Leverage your LMS for connection and engagement across your organization in our new normal.


Workplace Training Of The Future: From Observational Participation To Experiential Learning
Presented By: Mark Atkinson, Chief Executive Officer, Mursion

With the growing need to engage and retain talent, companies are tasked with tangibly investing in their people beyond technical skills. Whether it’s leadership upskilling, DEI competency or conflict management, the shift from soft skills to power skills has started and is shaping the future of work. So how do you train for these skills? Through the power of live avatar-based simulations, companies can provide a fail-safe environment for experimenting, learning and growing the skills needed for individuals and the overall organization.

  • Learn the difference between observational learning and experiential learning
  • Get a firsthand view of avatar-based simulation learning


Activating Culture Through Microlearning And User Generated Content: Powering Change One Conversation At A Time
Presented By: Roberto Vizcaino, Vice President Learning & Development, Viceroy Hotel Group

This is the story of a global boutique hotel management company that activated its organizational culture using a microlearning rollout strategy. The approach equipped managers to lead daily conversations on company culture and enabled front-line employees to apply the Ideology and generate new content that helped others do the same.

During our time together, you will learn:

  • How Viceroy developed the manager-led content.
  • The process we followed to globally rollout Viceroy’s Ideology.
  • The power of employee-generated content to tell stories and drive behavior change.


Expert Forum: From “Why” To “How” – The Evolution Of An Integrated Talent Development Strategy
Presented By: Erica Reynolds, Vice President Enterprise Learning & Talent Development (City of Hope), CEO (E. L. Reynolds & Associates, LLC)

Many learning and development initiatives are intended to yield long-term change, but often only yield temporary success. The current times= require that reskilling and upskilling of organization talent. This will prove to be a critical piece to any effective talent strategy. However, what does reskilling and upskilling talent entail? How will organizations determine what critical skills are needed and once identified, will result in real sustainable change? This session will provide a forum to discuss the challenges that organizations are facing, concerning talent development, as well share best practices that can be applied as we look toward building a pipeline of talent that thrives in the next normal and beyond.

During this talk we will:

  • Discuss how to align Talent Development strategies to evolving or uncertain strategic objectives
  • Identify how to develop and employ strategies that increase engagement and talent capability
  • Identify key behaviors needed for effective and sustainable change
  • Identify accountability measures to evaluate success and impact


High Potential Mentoring Programs As A Strategic Talent Imperative
Presented By: Cynthia Gray, Director Talent Management & Learning, Edwards LifeSciences

A high potential mentoring program is a formal and structured program supporting talent through their professional development journey to higher leadership positions to strengthen talent capabilities and organizational readiness. This session will share a case study of a successful high potential mentoring program in a global life sciences company.

Session Outline:

  • Why a High Potential Global Mentoring program?
  • Mentoring talent strategy
  • Definition & Objectives
  • Mentors & mentees’ profiles
  • Mentors & mentees’ responsibilities
  • Embracing diverse leadership styles
  • A successful mentoring program
  • Program design and structure
  • Leveraging EW Leadership expertise
  • Measuring success and program metrics


Career Pathing: Improving Employee Engagement And Workforce Stability
Presented By: Wanda Hayes, Assistant Vice President Learning & Organizational Development, Emory University

Employee engagement and retention are an important aspect of any organization’s people strategy. However, in the current environment of “The Great Resignation,” retaining a highly skilled and qualified workforce is more important than ever. The increase in resignations and retirements also translates to a loss of organizational knowledge. Simultaneously, companies are reporting a drop in the number of qualified employees applying for the resulting openings. Further, many current employees feel “stuck” in their jobs, lacking the knowledge of other opportunities within their organization or how to develop their skills to move to a new position. This presentation will focus on one university’s experience developing a career pathing tool, connecting career pathing to employee development, and their plans to use this pilot to expand their efforts across the University as one means of addressing workforce stability.

Participants will:

  • Enhance their understanding the connection between career growth and employee engagement
  • Learn a process for developing a career pathing tool
  • Understand the importance of incorporating training into the launch of career pathing


A 100-Day Leadership Journey With Documented Business Impact And Talent Outcomes
Presented By: Joe Ilvento, Chief Learning Officer, CommVaulty

The virtual worker is here to stay and those that are returning to work many are doing so in a hybrid fashion. Coupled with it is an instructional design evolution that requires us to meet learners where they are today – home, office, remote, in the field, or on the job. See and learn from a two-time Top 50 in HR and Learning Innovation award winner, a hybrid instructional design learning model you can apply to impact business and measure talent outcomes.


  • Learn what aspirational leadership and functional capabilities look like in practice
  • Review a 100-day instructional design model you can apply to your leadership (or any of your) programs
  • Measure 7 business impact and talent outcome analytics to prove program success


Learning Of The Future; Creating A Learning Ecosystem For A New Normal
Presented By: Lisa Lang, Head of Global Learning World, Siemens

The future of work and skill volatility are heavily influenced by the frequency of disruptions to the business. Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the disruptions. With skills becoming obsolete before you know it, employees must constantly develop and grow to remain relevant in the workforce. Siemens senior leadership made a bold decision to transform the traditional office corporate culture into the New Normal, which means that employees will permanently be working remotely beyond the pandemic. This session addresses how the company’s approach to learning and development has shifted due to the New Normal. Specifically, we will discuss how digital learning at Siemens includes not only having the right tools, platforms, and content, but also about having a growth mindset.

  • Learn how remote working requires a different leadership style, and how to support managers with that behavioral and mindset shift.
  • Understand the Learning of the Future strategy that Siemens has implemented, and what it means to create a learning ecosystem.
  • Learn ways to digitize the experience for learners in order to address strategically important topics more efficiently.
  • Identify ways that communications and change management are critical to making the digital learning approach stick.


Who’s On My Bench?
Presented By: Joseph Tischbern, Vice President Talent Developmetn & Engagement, Smart & Final

Near the end of coach Phil Jackson’s career during the 2017 NBA season, his Laker team had been ravaged by injuries. One night in January of that year, he looked down the bench after one of his players fouled out and realized…I have nobody left on my bench!

Many of our leaders feel the way that Coach Jackson felt that night, but they feel it every day. They look down the line to find that they have nobody on their bench. This creates a desperation that leads to lowered standards, poor results, and a less that optimistic outlook for the future. Building a bench is vital to the success of our companies, yet we often fail to address it in the moment and find ourselves in a pickle when we lose a good manager and realize…there’s no one left on my bench!

At Smart & Final, we have built a different type of bench building development strategy and we have seen it work. During this session you will hear stories about how:

  • We went from sourcing about 75% of our managers in Supply Chain to sourcing 0%
  • Our training program allows associates to “dip their toe” in the waters of management
  • Engagement scores were improved through providing career opportunities
  • This proactive approach to leadership development has changed the culture within supply chain


Building 3-Layer Resilience: Talent Development Secret Weapon To Thriving In Chaos, COVID And Crisis
Presented By: Joshua Ramey-Renk, Vice President Talent and Organizational Development, Technology Credit Union

With the current COVID situation remaining unresolved along with a variety of cultural shocks and crises, learning and development teams are uniquely poised to support their organization in moving beyond “survive” and into “thrive”. There are three layers of resilience that our groups can impact:

  • Building resilience training into learning programs
  • Flexing programs themselves to meet staff where they need to be
  • Influencing executive decision makers that “business as usual” isn’t going to cut it anymore.

Using a variety of real-life examples, participants will learn how to better structure activities and build cultural connections that increase engagement, lessen the turnover risk of “The Great Resignation”, and step into the spotlight as organizational culture heroes in the middle of some of the biggest changes of our lives.


C.A.R.E To Learn: Revitalizing Your Organizational Culture To Cultivate A Collective Learning Ecosystem
Presented By: ToriShana Johnson Niño, Director Learning & Workforce Development, Heartland Alliance

Companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars on training annually. However, training in most organizations can appear to only check a box is a very short-term approach to compliance and is not necessarily the best approach to develop talent. With the pandemic creating a different learning and work environment, many companies are tasked with finding different ways to redefine their culture without in person perks and interactions. It is critical that organizations leverage their investments in order to achieve true culture change. Developing a learning culture takes time, but it is worth the investment.

This session will explore:

  • The importance of leadership buy-in in creating a learning culture
  • Tips to access and address your current organizational climate around learning
  • How to reinforce successful learning practices
  • How to evaluate established practices and celebrate small wins


Games Are The New Normal: The Power Of Gamification For Learning
Presented By: Anna Bernard, Director Learning & Development LATAM, PepsiCo

Gamification (the use of game elements & rules and game thinking in non-game environments to increase engagement and improve targeting) is one of the popular terms in business. In less than one decade gamification became a huge topic in marketing, education and HR. This session will be focused on real world examples of how gamification can increase learner motivation and learning impact.

  • Learn the difference between gamification and game-based learning
  • Understand how to make a choice between gamify program vs gamify experience
  • Learn how to create a gamified initiative
  • Understand how gamification fits in overall learning strategy