Building An Award-Winning Diversity Culture: How To Leverage Your Leadership To Drive A Culture Of Engagement And Accountability On D&I Initatives
Presented By: Anton Gunn, Chief Diversity Officer, MUSC Health System
Organizations with actively involved leaders deliver a culture of engagement and accountability that leads to award-winning diversity and world-class outcomes. However, organizations with disengaged leaders create a workplace culture where diversity initiatives struggle to thrive and fail to add value to employees and customers. In fact, lack of leadership engagement on diversity initiatives is a top reason behind the declining retention of diverse employees and increasing discrimination complaints. And the consequences are visible in every department within the organization. As a whole, a lack of engagement on diversity and inclusion efforts can cost organizations significantly leading to employee disengagement, customer dissatisfaction, and a tarnished reputation. If you take into consideration the cost of turnover alongside the cost of time and increased discrimination cases, the amount of lost compounds becomes almost unfathomable.
After two decades of inconsistent engagement by leadership and marginal diversity and inclusion initiatives, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) has transformed diversity outcomes by developing an engaged leadership culture. This led to several award-winning and national recognized diversity initiatives leading to higher employee engagement, better outcomes and world-class culture. MUSC has a proven strategy and process that helps diversity leaders to assess their leadership engagement and accountability and offers insights to discover new opportunities, and design solutions that lead to better outcomes.
In this program, you leave knowing how to:
- Frame the need and value of having executives and management involved in diversity initiatives.
- Develop a strategic approach to embedding diversity and inclusion in your leadership culture.
- Define the different opportunities to drive leadership accountability on diversity & inclusion.
- Identify the six sustaining leadership behaviors that build an inclusive culture inside your organization
The Formula For Sustainable Growth: Purpose + Inclusion
Presented By: Angela Harrell, Chief Diversity and Corporate Responsibility Officer, Voya Financial
Companies with a clear purpose that includes responsible growth, community investment and diversity and inclusion are well-positioned in today’s marketplace.
The integration of these areas is the blend of science and humanity and can create an environment where employees are engaged in innovative ways and diverse stakeholder needs are met. In this session, Angela shares Voya’s approach to corporate responsibility and inclusion which has been recognized by third parties as best-in-class for financial service companies. Identify the six sustaining leadership behaviors that build an inclusive culture inside your organization.
Bettering The Balance: Removing Gender Bias From Performance Feedback To Ensure Equity
Presented By: Denise Reed Lamoreaux, Global Chief Diversity Officer, Atos
Unconscious bias creeps into every segment of leadership, and performance feedback is no exception. A Stanford study says that:
- Men receive 2/3 more feedback as women about technical expertise, assertiveness, & independence
- Women’s performance reviews have 2.4 times as many references to team accomplishments rather than individual results
- Vague feedback given to women provides little to no guidance on next steps
Interestingly enough, directionless feedback is provided to women by both men AND women, rendering it difficult for a leader to make the case to advance female employees, which in turn does nothing to better the balance in the C Suite.
Join us as we discuss ways be which we can overcome these biases and perform an exercise to provide clear, actionable feedback for all genders identifying areas for development, specifics on how their performance impacts business goals, information on how the individual “measures up” within the team, and clear directions on what to do to create a way forward.
The Cultural Reasons Sexual Harassment Prevails: Offering Deeper Meaning For A Better Workplace
Presented By: Sonja Spears, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, Boston Health Care For The Homeless Program
In this #MeToo era, many companies are checking the boxes for compliance with their mandatory sexual harassment trainings. Often, the trainings heavily emphasize dispassionate definitions and legal reasons for employees to avoid sexually harassing others, but they leave out critical exploration of the cultural reasons that make sexual harassment persistent.
In this session, attendees will:
- Go beyond definitions to take a deeper dive into cultural norms of sexism, racism, homophobia and power imbalance that support harassing behaviors
- Gain an understanding of the historical origins of these social norms which will help to illuminate the damaging nature of sexual harassment for a more lasting employee impact
- Explore additional perspectives to take back to their companies that can be incorporated into their trainings at home.
Diversity, Age, And The Coming Impact On The Marketplace
Presented By: Edna Kane-Williams, Senior Vice President Multicultural Leadership, AARP
The advertising/marketing world rarely focuses on the 50-plus. Even fewer attention is paid to multicultural audiences as they age. Far too often stereotypes and other misrepresentations abound. In short: brands fall short. This presentation will focus on the dynamics of this challenge, and recommendations for truly inclusive marketing.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the demographics of the 50+ marketplace and the impact of major marketing trends impacting age and diversity
- Spotlight the new image of aging and the Longevity Economy to educate the marketing community about the benefits of authentic representation of the 50-plus
- More accurately and authentically reflect the lives of the 50-plus people today and reject the stereotypes associated with aging, race and culture
- Inspire the advertising and marketing industries to action through incorporating age diversity in the creative process, including research, the brief, Imagery, casting and multi-generational teams
Answer the question: what do brands need to know and do?
The Inclusive Talent Pool: Employing People With Disabilities
Presented By: Lorrie Lykins, Vice President Research, i4cp
The number of people of working age in the U.S. who have a disability, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, is 53 million. That’s one in every five Americans. Yet the national unemployment rate for people with a disability (more than 30 million people age 16 and up) is nearly twice that of the broader population. It’s a similar story worldwide. This session will cover the steps many of the world’s leading companies have taken to truly diversify their workforces by sourcing, hiring, and developing talent of all abilities. In doing so, these companies are reporting measurable or observable business benefits such as the addition of highly motivated employees, demonstrating an inclusive and diverse culture that’s attractive to critical talent pools, and improving customer satisfaction.
Takeaways will include the following insights:
- How supported employment programs provide the structure needed for success in employing people with disabilities
- The true cost of providing accommodations such as assistive technology or other equipment for employees with disabilities
- Strategies for recruiting talent with disabilities
The Multi-Generational Workforce: Making Room At The Table
Presented By:
Sharon Aut, Global Inclusion and Diversity Director, Slalom
Lindsey Wopschall, Consulting Workforce Learning Manager, Slalom
Gaps between generations have never been so great, causing strong tensions in today’s workforce. Aging Baby Boomers plan to contribute to the workforce longer than any generation before them. Gen Zers are entering the workforce, Millennials comprise most of our talent pool and Gen Xers are sandwiched in the middle continuing to make their mark on the world. Each generation comes with different work style preferences, largely formed by the environment and world in which they grew up. Learn to leverage each generation’s unique perspectives to make room at the table for all.
- Unpack perceptions held of each generation
- Explore how each generation is shaped by cultural shifts and discover how that manifests in today’s workplace
- Discover what millennials, the largest generation of the workforce, value and how it is shaping today’s workplace
- Learn about GenZ, the newest generation entering the workforce, and their working style preferences
- Walk away with tips for making room at the table for all generations
3 Keys To A Diversity Recruiting Strategy
Presented By: Lisa Strack, Vice President Diversity Recruiting, Bank of the West
Organizations have struggled to attract, hire and retain diverse talent. So much that most are not actually sharing the current state of affairs regarding their diverse workforce – nor the progress they’ve made which is usually very little. The truth is diversity recruiting is not a sprint, rather it’s a marathon that requires numerous areas of focus to be successful. It can be boiled to down to three areas; your organization or company brand, the processes you put into place, and the accountability that you hold your work to – that will make a difference.
Attendees will walk away with the ability to:
- Identify pitfalls of most diversity recruiting strategies & how to avoid them
- Understand the three areas of focus & how to implement them
- Identify key stakeholders who are crucial to the success of a diversity recruiting strategy
Diversity & Inclusion And Progress In Times Of Crisis
Presented By: Celeste Warren, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Merck
This year has been a year of unprecedented change around the globe. The world was faced with a pandemic which saw people shuttered in their homes, major cities shut down, industries and businesses of all sizes doing their best to manage through an economic crisis. People had to learn new ways of working, teachers had to establish different ways of teaching and students had to adapt to new ways of learning.
As a result of the tragic death of George Floyd and other incidents impacting black people across the United States, we saw an awakening of not just those in the black community but countless others across all dimensions of diversity globally protesting for justice, equity and humanity. Leaders and organizations across both the public and private sector responded publicly in ways that we haven’t seen in the past. Employees within organizations and people within their communities elevated their voices and with a clear demand for sustained change.
The emphasis on diversity and inclusion has intensified across the globe. Leaders have to exercise new capabilities, organizations need to be able to adapt to the changing landscape as well as be prepared for the workforce and workplace of the future.
During this session, participants will learn:
- How the events of 2020 have impacted both the private and public sector
- What these events mean for diversity, inclusion, and equity
- How these events will shape our future workforce and workplace
Safety And Inclusion During Consecutive Major Events
Presented By: Tanya Meisenholder, Deputy Commissioner of Diversity and Inclusion, New York City Police Department
In the spring and early summer of 2020, New York City was faced with two major events. One of the country’s earliest hotspots for the Covid-19 Pandemic during the spring, New York rapidly became a stage to protest police and societal reform as the early summer approached. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) leadership maintained a commitment to the health and unique voices of nearly 55,000 employees during both events.
To keep NYPD employees healthy, those at high risk for severe illness were accommodated in an unprecedented manner. Under the leadership of Deputy Commissioner Tanya Meisenholder, the Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) streamlined the process for employees to reduce their exposure to Covid-19.
As indicators for Covid-19 declined and New York City prepared to reopen, the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis led to a series of protests and calls for criminal justice reform and societal change. The NYPD would not miss the opportunity to give its diverse employees a voice in issues that affect them as professionals and individuals and lead change efforts in the field. Safe and open discussions, facilitated by OEI, provided employees with a space to share feelings and present new ideas for growth.
- Recognize the need to keep employees safe and healthy above all other objectives.
- Illustrate the importance of giving employees a safe way to share their voice and the value of hearing their message.
- Prove a leader and team dedicated to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion must remain focused on their mission, even in times of high operational demand.
Why D&I Matters More Than Ever
Presented By: Girish Ganesan, Global Head Diversity and Inclusion, TD Bank
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the response to anti-Black racism are reinforcing the importance of D&I to organizational culture and its business imperative. While many organizations demonstrate a visible commitment to Diversity and Inclusion, a key test of this commitment is how D&I is considered during times of challenge. Leaders are grappling with significant uncertainty and constantly changing variables. The actions that organizations take to support their people will have lasting impacts on engagement, reputation and on the business more broadly. Join this session to learn how TD Bank is navigating the pandemic and speaking up to address impacts of social injustice and racism.
Leading The Way In Advancing Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion In Higher Education
Presented By: Denise DeCou, Manager Diversity and Community Outreach, Washington University
Embedding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in an institution of higher education begins at the top. This session will speak to the journey taken by senior leadership at Washington University in St. Louis in its efforts to create a sustainable diversity, equity and inclusion framework for advancing the university community towards greater excellence. This journey would begin in various schools and departments from the School of Medicine to the main campus to create new programs, initiatives and centers to “lead the way” for staff, faculty and students and engage all three segments of this population in the process. This session will speak to the development of plans to activate the school community to becoming a warmer and more welcoming space for research, teaching and learning.
- Learn ways to develop a comprehensive approach to building a successful diversity, equity and inclusion initiative
- Identify leaders who support DEI work
- Learn ways to successfully design training for staff
- How to develop a strategic plan for DEI that includes want and need of faculty, staff and students
- Learn how to create sustainable and actionable DEI plans for execution
The Role Of Organizational D&I In The Quest For Racial Justice
Presented By: Neddy Perez, Chief Diversity Officer, McCormick & Company
Recent events related to Racial in Justice has led to corporations rushing to make commitments and/or staying silent. As D&I practitioners what is your role in helping executive leadership, middle managers and employees understand, define and take action. How will the landscape change and what action steps do you need to take in order to make sure that you continue to listen to the voices of employees while continuing to also move forward your broader diversity goals and strategy. During the session we will cover the following :
- How to identify and support the learning needs of leadership – a list of resources will be provided
- Identify organizational obstacles that prevent the dialogue from changing
- How do you leverage allies to support the difficult conversations
- Action steps you can take immediately to pull together a strategy
How Are Employers – And Employees – Functioning Through This Unprecidented Period Of A Pandemic And Civil Unrest
Presented By: Janica Pierce Tucker, Manager Diversity and Community Outreach, Washington University
Embedding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in an institution of higher education begins at the top. This session will speak to the journey taken by senior leadership at Washington University in St. Louis in its efforts to create a sustainable diversity, equity and inclusion framework for advancing the university community towards greater excellence. This journey would begin in various schools and departments from the School of Medicine to the main campus to create new programs, initiatives and centers to “lead the way” for staff, faculty and students and engage all three segments of this population in the process. This session will speak to the development of plans to activate the school community to becoming a warmer and more welcoming space for research, teaching and learning.
- Learn ways to develop a comprehensive approach to building a successful diversity, equity and inclusion initiative
- Identify leaders who support DEI work
- Learn ways to successfully design training for staff
- How to develop a strategic plan for DEI that includes want and need of faculty, staff and students
- Learn how to create sustainable and actionable DEI plans for execution
The session will also address personnel issues:
- Ways to foster a sense of belonging for remote teams
- Tactics to build a more inclusive culture
- The unspoken experiences relating to employees from underrepresented classes, who may:
- Be reluctant to ask for assistance or support
- Harbor distorted perceptions of other peoples’ perceptions and evaluations
- Internalize negative emotions
How To Take Allyship From A Noun To A Verb In 90-Days
Presented By: Katie Kern, Chief Operating Officer, Media Frenzy Global
Allyship is more than just a title. When put into action, it becomes a call to fully support those around you who need you the most. In the last few months, our nation experienced a powerful shift as the death of George Floyd captivated headlines the spanned the globe. As protests erupted, leaders from the political realm to corporate America began re-evaluating the laws, policies, and processes that have systematically created barriers to the advancement of Black people. Now, many organizations find themselves at the intersection of allyship and action without much guidance. Are you moved to make a difference and lead with courage? Are you stuck on where to start and how to make true change happen? This session will focus on providing you with resources, support and a 90- day plan to help you drive change from ideation to true impact within your organization.
Attendees of this session will gain a better understanding of:
- The steps leaders can take today to move from thought to action for maximum impact
- How to incorporate the 90-day plan into your company’s core values
- How to create DEI champions within your organization
- Why racial justice initiatives within your organization should be a business imperative, not just a DEI function
Immersive Session: Community Healing Through Storytelling – Navigating This Thing Called Race
Presented By: Cheryl Cofield, Director of Culture, Inclusion & Engagement, Georgia Institute of Technology
In the midst of recent world events, many of us find ourselves questioning our fundamental beliefs, and confronting societal realities that have long hidden in plain sight. HR and D&I professionals are being called upon to solve complex human issues more than ever, despite often being on low reserves ourselves during these uncertain times. In light of this, we are creating a safe space to to gather to process our own thoughts and feelings.
Please join us for a “Community Conversation (or “Virtual Solidarity Circle”) led by Cheryl Cofield, chief dialogue officer and director of culture, inclusion & engagement at the Georgia Institute of Technology where all are welcome to voice thoughts, discuss perspectives, share honest emotions, and witness one another’s truth, pain, resilience and hope. Participants will:
- Bear witness to moving and brave personal stories and testimonies of others
- Share how recent life shifts have aided in profound self-discovery or “becoming”
- Learn more about the art & science of effectively leading race dialogue
- Explore strategies to overcome common fears and feelings associated with discussing race
- Explore integral strategies for collective healing
- Begin (or continue) doing the inner work necessary to co-create beloved communities (and human dwelling places) where we can all breathe freely and fully
Elevate Your Change Management Game – Accelerating Progress Through Strategic Intention
Presented By: Angela Cooper, Vice President Diversity & Inclusion, Mutual of Omaha
Influencing the future is a big job. Are you up to it? As DEI practitioners/leaders, we must approach change leadership with a strategic mind, a psychological lens, an empathetic core, and a concrete plan. This presentation will offer behind-the-scenes perspective from a professionally certified change manager turned Chief Diversity Officer, sharing tools, insights and methods for leading a cultural change initiative in any environment.
In this session you will learn:
- An approach for organizing a comprehensive change strategy
- How to frame up and leverage a core change message
- Techniques to influence multiple stakeholders
- Why you should expect resistance, and how to manage through it
The Power Of A Social Impact Strategy – Channeling Emotion To Productive Purpose
Presented By: Fernando Little, Chief Diversity Officer, Atrium Health
When polarizing, controversial events occur that call into question social and racial justice, an organizational social impact strategy can help the organization and community grow and evolve into an inclusive, compassionate collective community. Thoughtful and practical approaches to developing a social impact strategy will build a trusted partnership with the community and drive organizational value while improving health and economic mobility. The core tenants include policy and systems change, amplified impact through co-creation and strategic partnerships, evidence-based interventions, measurable outcomes, and an enterprise culture and diversity framework.
Learning Objectives:
- Leverage Courageous Conversation framework to understand how we got here and a meaningful call to action
- Explore the components and tenets of a successful Social Impact Strategy
- Examine best practices in building a trusted community partnership
- Create workforce development strategies and career pathways to support social impact and economic mobility